OK...so Pinterest is now my #1 go-to whenever I'm looking for anything -- even more than Google now! I'm not kidding. I find so much on Pinterest that I need that I just to type in the "search" bar what I need and I find so much there!
With 50,000+ followers {and growing} on Pinterest, I can tell you that I feel it is a very powerful media tool for my blog and anyone else who is looking to "get pinned" to promote their work, and at the same time, organize my personal thoughts on just about anything. I now have over 50 boards that are my personal pins and I also pin to about 10 group boards including:
It's been an honor to be a part of these group boards and build relationships with many of the bloggers that are also contributing to the boards.
I thought I'd tell you that after being on Pinterest for nearly two years, I have a few Pinners that I really like what they are pinning and share them with you! These are the ones that I will repin their pins the most! Here are ten of them, I encourage you to follow any of the ones that interest you! {These are in no particular order}.
1. Stephanie of Modern Parents Messy Kids: I like her pins because she has a mixture of organizing, kid stuff, and other fun things!
2. Autumn of Space for Living: She pins great organizing things and simple living pins. I seem to re-pin much of her stuff!
3. Kate of Centsational Girl: If you want beautiful things for your home, this is a great pinner! I love many of her pins and find I repin ideas for my house!
4. Anna of Ask Anna Moseley: If you like cleaning tips and household tips, that's what you get when you follow her. I love finding great all natural cleaning ideas, too! Plus, she's got lots of organizing pins, too! And, of course, I love those!
5. Beth of Unskinny Boppy: I repin a ton of her blogging tips that she finds!
6. Alexis: I know she isn't a blogger, and I don't even know who she is...but I found her Pinterest when I was searching for fashion one day and I repin so much of her fashion pins!
6. Juleen: A tie with Alexis!! Another unknown pinner that I LOVE her fashion pins! I repin those a LOT!
7. Tonya of Love of Family & Home: Tonya is a friend, but she's also a great pinner! She pins some great rooms and designs and fashion, too!
8. Jaime of Raising up Rubies: What can I say? This girl is a pinning machine! I am constantly repinning her stuff! She does organizing, homekeeping, Christian things and I love how all her boards are coordinated!
9. Crystal of Money Saving Mom: Who doesn't want to save money? Well, Crystal pins all kinds of easy ways to save money. I love her articles, too. I keep repinning those, as well!
10. Nester Smith of The Nesting Place: She has impeccable taste and I love her unique pins for home decor!
Now I want to share my favorite companies to follow on Pinterest! You may or may not even know that there are SO many companies that are now on Pinterest! It's crazy good!
1. Real Simple: I love the magazine, but their pins are great! I love all their organizing and simplifying and cleaning pins!
2. Better Homes and Gardens: I love BHG! They offer gardening, organizing, decorating, food, and more! I love all their pins!
3. Cricut: I love my Cricut machine and I like following them because they have tips and great ideas for using my machine!
4. Martha Stewart: She pins her own personal things plus things from the Martha Stewart Living magazine and her other magazines, so you get the best of both worlds. She pins things in her home and her pets. Just fun to see things she has and does!
5. Apartment Therapy: This is from the blog of Apartment Therapy but I love their pins that are other people's homes and spaces and great ideas.
6. Pottery Barn: I love me some Pottery Barn - classy, elegant, and a bit homey!
7. Women's Day: Such practical advice along with organizing and decorating ideas!
8. Sunset Magazine: Being a West Coast Girl...this is a very well-known magazine for west coast homes! They have lots of gardening and succulent ideas that I LOVE!
9. HGTV: I LOVE HGTV, so it's fun to see their pins. They have pinning parties where their TV personalities pin their favorites. They also have pins about their TV show hosts, too.
10. William Sonoma: Lots of beautiful food and ideas for decorating!
So...now that you have my favorites, are you ON Pinterest? If you aren't, you need to get on there. Please feel free to follow me HERE -- and leave a comment with your Pinterest URL and I'll follow you.
You simply click on your name {for me it's Becky on the right}, then highlight your URL and press Control/Command "C". Then come over to the comments and press Control/Command "V" to paste it in! Easy peasy!!! I'll follow you if you do it like this!!

With 50,000+ followers {and growing} on Pinterest, I can tell you that I feel it is a very powerful media tool for my blog and anyone else who is looking to "get pinned" to promote their work, and at the same time, organize my personal thoughts on just about anything. I now have over 50 boards that are my personal pins and I also pin to about 10 group boards including:
- Top Organizing Bloggers {the biggest following of any of my boards}
- 10 Creative Christian Mom Bloggers
- 30 Must Follow Christian Moms
- Must-Follow Christian Women
- The Best of the Best Creative Bloggers
- ...and a few more!
It's been an honor to be a part of these group boards and build relationships with many of the bloggers that are also contributing to the boards.
I thought I'd tell you that after being on Pinterest for nearly two years, I have a few Pinners that I really like what they are pinning and share them with you! These are the ones that I will repin their pins the most! Here are ten of them, I encourage you to follow any of the ones that interest you! {These are in no particular order}.
1. Stephanie of Modern Parents Messy Kids: I like her pins because she has a mixture of organizing, kid stuff, and other fun things!
2. Autumn of Space for Living: She pins great organizing things and simple living pins. I seem to re-pin much of her stuff!
3. Kate of Centsational Girl: If you want beautiful things for your home, this is a great pinner! I love many of her pins and find I repin ideas for my house!
4. Anna of Ask Anna Moseley: If you like cleaning tips and household tips, that's what you get when you follow her. I love finding great all natural cleaning ideas, too! Plus, she's got lots of organizing pins, too! And, of course, I love those!
5. Beth of Unskinny Boppy: I repin a ton of her blogging tips that she finds!
6. Alexis: I know she isn't a blogger, and I don't even know who she is...but I found her Pinterest when I was searching for fashion one day and I repin so much of her fashion pins!
6. Juleen: A tie with Alexis!! Another unknown pinner that I LOVE her fashion pins! I repin those a LOT!
7. Tonya of Love of Family & Home: Tonya is a friend, but she's also a great pinner! She pins some great rooms and designs and fashion, too!
8. Jaime of Raising up Rubies: What can I say? This girl is a pinning machine! I am constantly repinning her stuff! She does organizing, homekeeping, Christian things and I love how all her boards are coordinated!
9. Crystal of Money Saving Mom: Who doesn't want to save money? Well, Crystal pins all kinds of easy ways to save money. I love her articles, too. I keep repinning those, as well!
10. Nester Smith of The Nesting Place: She has impeccable taste and I love her unique pins for home decor!
Now I want to share my favorite companies to follow on Pinterest! You may or may not even know that there are SO many companies that are now on Pinterest! It's crazy good!
1. Real Simple: I love the magazine, but their pins are great! I love all their organizing and simplifying and cleaning pins!
2. Better Homes and Gardens: I love BHG! They offer gardening, organizing, decorating, food, and more! I love all their pins!
3. Cricut: I love my Cricut machine and I like following them because they have tips and great ideas for using my machine!
4. Martha Stewart: She pins her own personal things plus things from the Martha Stewart Living magazine and her other magazines, so you get the best of both worlds. She pins things in her home and her pets. Just fun to see things she has and does!
5. Apartment Therapy: This is from the blog of Apartment Therapy but I love their pins that are other people's homes and spaces and great ideas.
6. Pottery Barn: I love me some Pottery Barn - classy, elegant, and a bit homey!
7. Women's Day: Such practical advice along with organizing and decorating ideas!
8. Sunset Magazine: Being a West Coast Girl...this is a very well-known magazine for west coast homes! They have lots of gardening and succulent ideas that I LOVE!
9. HGTV: I LOVE HGTV, so it's fun to see their pins. They have pinning parties where their TV personalities pin their favorites. They also have pins about their TV show hosts, too.
10. William Sonoma: Lots of beautiful food and ideas for decorating!
So...now that you have my favorites, are you ON Pinterest? If you aren't, you need to get on there. Please feel free to follow me HERE -- and leave a comment with your Pinterest URL and I'll follow you.
You simply click on your name {for me it's Becky on the right}, then highlight your URL and press Control/Command "C". Then come over to the comments and press Control/Command "V" to paste it in! Easy peasy!!! I'll follow you if you do it like this!!

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