Christmas is coming!!! It's just SIX days away! And probably many of you are going to have guests coming to celebrate the day with you!
If you like your guests even a little bit, it's a nice thing to be prepared to take good care of them and show them some love! Get yourself organized NOW so that you are a good host and not frazzled. Here are ten tips I've come up with to help you get organized before your guests arrive:
1. Have enough food: Based on how many guests you are expecting - 1 or 20 - be sure to have enough food to feed all of them. If you aren't sure, estimate what your family eats and use that to help you figure out how much you may need for additional guests.
2. Food they like: Ask your guests before they come what they typically eat for breakfast and lunch. If you can get a familiar cereal or milk, a type of bread or deli meat they like, that's always nice and makes it easier for mornings and lunches, especially. For dinner, making something you normally would is generally fine as you would when you have company over for dinner.
3. Check for food allergies: I, myself, am not able to eat any dairy. I have many friends that have gluten intolerances, so ask your guests if they have any allergies or foods they are not able to eat.
4. Keep extras on hand: There is nothing quite like forgetting your toothbrush or deodorant and realizing it while you're getting ready for bed or waking up in the morning. Have some extra trial sized products for them to use, should they forget something or use up theirs.
5. Have plenty of extra outlets: With all the cell phones and Ipads and what not, it's best to have plenty of places for your guests to plug theirs in.
6. Comfortable, private place to sleep: If at all possible, give your guests a private place to sleep. I remember visiting my Aunt and Uncle years ago. They had no spare bedroom and gave us theirs to sleep in for a week--and they slept in their living room. That meant a lot to us and showed the ultimate hospitality. If you don't have a private space, make it as private as possible. If you are able, give them the bathroom for themselves and have your family share the other. It's usually for a short time and it also teaches you and your children to appreciate that you have the extra space normally.
7. Have fresh, clean linens: Set out clean towels near their bed or bathroom area. Give them an extra blanket or two.
8. Extra pillows: Have a set of pillows just for guests. I have a couple of brand-new for guest use only pillows. Don't have space, use a space bag to flatten them and store easily when company is gone.
9. A place for clothes and/or suitcases: I have a luggage rack I picked up at a thrift store for $5 several years ago. I love using it for company. You can get a luggage rack for less than you think, too. I use mine in my bedroom at the end of my bed at night to keep our blankets from falling off.
10. Flowers and tissues: If you are able, I would suggest adding some fresh flowers, a box of tissue, and some water bottles to help your guests feel even more special.
I hope you are well-prepared to greet your guests this Christmas season and make them feel right at home in your home. Are you going to be having any company come over the holiday? How many will you have? Do you have a dedicated guest room or room you use for a guest room? I'd love to hear any of your own ideas!

If you like your guests even a little bit, it's a nice thing to be prepared to take good care of them and show them some love! Get yourself organized NOW so that you are a good host and not frazzled. Here are ten tips I've come up with to help you get organized before your guests arrive:
1. Have enough food: Based on how many guests you are expecting - 1 or 20 - be sure to have enough food to feed all of them. If you aren't sure, estimate what your family eats and use that to help you figure out how much you may need for additional guests.
2. Food they like: Ask your guests before they come what they typically eat for breakfast and lunch. If you can get a familiar cereal or milk, a type of bread or deli meat they like, that's always nice and makes it easier for mornings and lunches, especially. For dinner, making something you normally would is generally fine as you would when you have company over for dinner.
3. Check for food allergies: I, myself, am not able to eat any dairy. I have many friends that have gluten intolerances, so ask your guests if they have any allergies or foods they are not able to eat.
4. Keep extras on hand: There is nothing quite like forgetting your toothbrush or deodorant and realizing it while you're getting ready for bed or waking up in the morning. Have some extra trial sized products for them to use, should they forget something or use up theirs.
5. Have plenty of extra outlets: With all the cell phones and Ipads and what not, it's best to have plenty of places for your guests to plug theirs in.
6. Comfortable, private place to sleep: If at all possible, give your guests a private place to sleep. I remember visiting my Aunt and Uncle years ago. They had no spare bedroom and gave us theirs to sleep in for a week--and they slept in their living room. That meant a lot to us and showed the ultimate hospitality. If you don't have a private space, make it as private as possible. If you are able, give them the bathroom for themselves and have your family share the other. It's usually for a short time and it also teaches you and your children to appreciate that you have the extra space normally.
7. Have fresh, clean linens: Set out clean towels near their bed or bathroom area. Give them an extra blanket or two.
8. Extra pillows: Have a set of pillows just for guests. I have a couple of brand-new for guest use only pillows. Don't have space, use a space bag to flatten them and store easily when company is gone.
9. A place for clothes and/or suitcases: I have a luggage rack I picked up at a thrift store for $5 several years ago. I love using it for company. You can get a luggage rack for less than you think, too. I use mine in my bedroom at the end of my bed at night to keep our blankets from falling off.
10. Flowers and tissues: If you are able, I would suggest adding some fresh flowers, a box of tissue, and some water bottles to help your guests feel even more special.
I hope you are well-prepared to greet your guests this Christmas season and make them feel right at home in your home. Are you going to be having any company come over the holiday? How many will you have? Do you have a dedicated guest room or room you use for a guest room? I'd love to hear any of your own ideas!

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House of Hepworths