My daughter has this darling playhouse that we got on Ebay several years ago. And we've just improved it some more recently!

You see, it started out looking like this:

My sweet hubby has a soft spot for his little girl, as most Daddys do! He saw her playing in a playhouse at someone's house one day and decided he wanted to build one. That led him to realize his lack of time and cost. He found this one, above, on Ebay and it was already built and was cheaper than the materials would've cost him to build a new one!

It got a nice coat of paint, a mis-tint on the end of the paint aisle at Home Depot for $5! Purple is really fun, too!
Then, last spring break, the kids re-finished the inside of it mostly themselves.
But, there was something missing...doors!

I had some bi-fold closet doors I picked up at The Habitat for Humanity ReStore for $10. I asked my hubby to do something with those, if possible.

And with some head scratching, he managed to turn them into darling doors for the playhouse by cutting them down.

He hinged them so they open outward and then we put on some inexpensive door knobs. Of course, I wanted YELLOW doors! I had leftover spray paint from another project that I used.

Here is the playhouse - now complete with the doors and the added shutters and looking as cute as can be!

Aren't they just fun? All the little girls are having the best time in there! I would've loved this when I was her age!
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