Let it go - how to have a {fake} immaculate house (part 7) | Organizing Made Fun: Let it go - how to have a {fake} immaculate house (part 7)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Let it go - how to have a {fake} immaculate house (part 7)

 Let it go, let it go, let it go....so timely for this time of year, right? Christmas, for us, is a GREAT time to start letting go of stuff!  It's a great motivator - birthdays too!  My kids have a ritual that they go through their stuff and start giving away the toys and clothes that they don't use or no longer fit a little before Christmas and their birthday!  I tell them, if you don't have room for new toys, you can't have them...meaning, we need to clear out the clutter in their rooms.

It's really important that you have the mind set to let go and get rid of stuff often. I highly recommend that you have a group of friends you can email or join a freecycle group in your community or start one with your church, especially if you have a hard time getting rid of stuff because you think it's still useful. Also, find a charity that will come to your house and pick up your unneeded items. This makes it one less excuse and one thing easier - putting your donation on the front porch is easier than having to drive it all in your car around town.  

Hanging on to stuff, the clutter, is only going to make your house look messier.  Letting go of the unnecessary stuff and keeping only what is truly needed is a mindset that is foreign to Americans!  

Why are you hanging on to it?  Is it truly useful, get used on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis?  Do you have friends who could use it more than you?  Do your kids need 30 Barbies or 50 trains?  Teach them YOUNG to let stuff go....the trinkets alone that stream into this home is enough to drive this Momma crazy!  I set a limit - one in one out {sometimes 1 in and 3 out}. 

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How to {fake} and immaculate house series:

1 comment:

  1. Thank-you! I'm so ADD. It leads to do much clutter and unfinished tasks. These are simple practical tips.


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