This week, we're going to explore the next step to getting your house organized and clutter - and becoming more of a home and your life much calmer. Meal Planning.
Meal Planning is truly vital for us Moms, it's the second step to helping you get your home organized and clutter free! Like step one, getting into the habit of doing this on a regular basis will help you the most. You need to decide how often you want to meal plan and how often you need to grocery shop. I have a weekly plan, since we have two teenagers and need food often! Let me help you with this simple weekly step:
1. Sit down weekly {bi-monthly or monthly} and stick to it -- put it on your calendar and schedule it to remind you to do this.
2. Best place to plan is likely your kitchen, near your pantry and fridge.
3. Use your wall calendar to look up/plot out any activities or plans that may interfere with your dinner, cause you need to plan if you have a little time or a lot of time to make dinner. On the nights that I have little to no time, I try to find a crockpot recipe so we can grab and go.
4. Figure out what types of things you need for breakfasts or lunches. If you like to make things from scratch - make a huge batch of something and freeze it for easy mornings. If you don't, start making your grocery list based on what you need.
5. Use recipe books, Pinterest, recipes cards, or whatever you need to find the types of meals that will be best suited for your family.
6. Have back up frozen stuff stored in your freezer {you know, something you can throw in the oven or microwave when it's crazy} - because you just never know when something will come up.
7. Be flexible. Listen, sometimes I look at what I planned and I totally forgot a main ingredient OR I just don't feel like making it that night, honestly. So, I switch stuff around. It's totally fine to do that - you don't have to stick 100% to the meal plan if it doesn't work out.
8. Ask for help. Ask your family what meals they like best and plan meals that the whole family can help cook and prepare.
Once you begin to have your calendar/schedule set, then work on meal planning weekly or monthly or bi-weekly. By starting with these two things, you will already start to get your home organized and clutter free because your LIFE will feel less cluttered and feel MORE organized! Are you ready to get started?

Meal Planning is truly vital for us Moms, it's the second step to helping you get your home organized and clutter free! Like step one, getting into the habit of doing this on a regular basis will help you the most. You need to decide how often you want to meal plan and how often you need to grocery shop. I have a weekly plan, since we have two teenagers and need food often! Let me help you with this simple weekly step:
1. Sit down weekly {bi-monthly or monthly} and stick to it -- put it on your calendar and schedule it to remind you to do this.
2. Best place to plan is likely your kitchen, near your pantry and fridge.
3. Use your wall calendar to look up/plot out any activities or plans that may interfere with your dinner, cause you need to plan if you have a little time or a lot of time to make dinner. On the nights that I have little to no time, I try to find a crockpot recipe so we can grab and go.
4. Figure out what types of things you need for breakfasts or lunches. If you like to make things from scratch - make a huge batch of something and freeze it for easy mornings. If you don't, start making your grocery list based on what you need.
5. Use recipe books, Pinterest, recipes cards, or whatever you need to find the types of meals that will be best suited for your family.
6. Have back up frozen stuff stored in your freezer {you know, something you can throw in the oven or microwave when it's crazy} - because you just never know when something will come up.
7. Be flexible. Listen, sometimes I look at what I planned and I totally forgot a main ingredient OR I just don't feel like making it that night, honestly. So, I switch stuff around. It's totally fine to do that - you don't have to stick 100% to the meal plan if it doesn't work out.
8. Ask for help. Ask your family what meals they like best and plan meals that the whole family can help cook and prepare.
Once you begin to have your calendar/schedule set, then work on meal planning weekly or monthly or bi-weekly. By starting with these two things, you will already start to get your home organized and clutter free because your LIFE will feel less cluttered and feel MORE organized! Are you ready to get started?

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These are all good points about meal planning! I've been doing meal plans for a while now, and I'm mostly pretty good at guessing what nights will work for what meals; however, if you're not the Type-A that I am (haha!) you can always make a list of meal possibilities & post it, then cross off what you've made. Some of my friends are more this way - they're happy to have a list of what they've got ingredients for, but they're also happy not to have anything "cast in stone" for a certain day. I myself like the predictability of a meal plan, so I don't have to decide - decisions make me crazy! :) So I sit down on a Wednesday morning when I'm off work, the kids are in school, and hubby's at work, and I plan the whole two weeks around what we've got, what's on sale, and what's happening. Then I shop Thursdays, and bake Fridays. It works for me. :)
I've learned that meal planning is a definite must! Life is so much easier when I get this done. It's also a good idea for the family to see what is on the menu. Then you don't get the dreaded question, "What's for dinner?". Thanks for your post!