Chalkboard Pantry Door Update! | Organizing Made Fun: Chalkboard Pantry Door Update!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Chalkboard Pantry Door Update!

The kitchen is the hub of our home, and probably for yours too! One of my favorite things in our kitchen is the pantry. I had never had a pantry before - I had a pretend one in our last house - but this house had an actual walk in pantry. It's not huge or anything, but it's the one place that holds ALL our food in the kitchen. My pantry door was fine. But, there were a few problems with it and I wanted to kick it up a notch or two - because I LOVE organizing and decorating!

BEFORE: back of door with organizer falling apart::

And, this is what it looks like now!

AFTER: Organized back of door pantry with chalkboard ::

I my humble opinion, it looks SO much better! And now, you're wondering what exactly did I do?

OK, so the back of the door organizers that I had on there were falling apart - they had been on there for the 9 years we've lived in this house - and I never liked them because I had to put cardboard in the bottom to keep stuff from falling out. So, those were on the chopping block.

Painting a chalkboard on the back of the door ::

I decided to use chalkboard paint on the back of the door to give it a pop of color and for some practicality. I filled in the old screw holes and sanded those. It was pretty easy just to paint the chalkboard paint over the back of the door. As you can see, my dog thought it was a piece of cake! {This is my go-to paint for chalkboard painting}. 

Chalkboard painted on back of door plus installing organizer ::

I bought a much better pantry door organizer from The Container Store and I didn't have to use any screws on it {plus it was on sale right now} and the whole thing is just way more sturdy than what I had before.

Before and After: Back of pantry door with updated chalkboard and organized ::

And here is the comparison of what I did! Love it!

Organized pantry - back of the door ::

I also want to share my chalkboard writing. It turned out pretty good, if I say so! I'm not really all that good at all that fancy, cutesy writing with chalk so, here is how I did it:

Tutorial: How to draw beautiful letters on a chalkboard ::

1. I chose my font and words and printed out.
2. I cut it out and took a piece of graphite {you can get at craft or art store or HERE on Amazon} and rubbed it on the back of the printed paper.
3. I taped the paper on the chalkboard {to keep it steady}.
4. I traced the words with a pencil.
5. Then, once I pulled it off, I used the impression of the graphite on the chalkboard to trace with my chalkboard marker. Easy! {Make sure you "season" your chalkboard before writing on it}. 

Back of door pantry using a door organizer ::

So, there you have it! A simple update for the back of my pantry door. If you want to see the rest of my pantry, it's pretty snazzy too! Do you have a back of a door in your home you'd like to do something like this to? Please share!

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  Want to know where I got that product? Go HERE and find it!

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  1. Looks great! One question, what does it look like when the door is closed? Do you see how it hooks onto the door?

    1. Mary - Thank you! The hooks only show a tiny bit -- maybe 1/2 inch. It's not much. You can also screw it in, but it's a lot more work that way! Becky B.

  2. Supe cute, I love how the chalkboard door makes it easy to label stuff too.


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