Marty Walden has been blogging at Marty's Musings since 2008 but only recently has managed to turn her DIY/home/food blog into a business. She has homeschooled her five biological and adopted children for 20 years and loves DIYing with her husband Tim. She also has a passion to encourage and challenge other women to embrace the life they have been given and trust God through the difficult days living amidst chaos and heartbreak. When my oldest son Joshua left for college in 2011 (and his oldest sister Rachel married six weeks later) I needed a project that would both inspire and distract me from the grief reflected by those changes. My craft/scrapbook room was just the project!

My DIY husband Tim and I spent several weeks talking through ideas for this room. I scoured magazines, blogs and websites for ideas and dreamed of how I could make these ideas work for me. I am a frugal shopper from way back, and I knew I wanted to save money while still creating a beautiful space for me to work. I shopped yard sales, thrift sales and the dollar store to save money wherever possible. We ended up spending a total of around $500 on a total room makeover. One of the organizational problems I wanted to address was how to store my ribbons. I have a

We used five wooden dowel rods 1/4 inch thick, as the individual ribbon rolls demanded. We hooked off the ends with a washer and hung them up with an eye bolt. Easy and pretty to look at. I tried to organize according to color families because I’m a little OCD like that.

Live your life to be a story worth telling is placed above the ribbon wall as a reminder to keep things in perspective. We also bought a twin bed with headboard from my niece and used a mattress and bedding we already owned.

Drawers on the side give me more room for my ribbon stash!

Some of the ribbon and trims are stored in plastic bags within the drawers.

In this final drawer I have a collection of trims and silk flowers, also in plastic bags.

In addition, I have a metal CD storage rack that I purchased for a buck at a yard sale with baskets from the dollar store. I would have loved to have all matching baskets, but this was all the store had.

Some of this excess ribbon is stored more as a decorative element to the room than sheer necessity.

I am actually in the middle of a room makeover as I'm sharing this. I wasn't happy with the way I was using the space, and I needed to rethink how I actually spent my time in the room. I have moved some things around and am adding an area to shoot photos for my blog. I would love if you'd check out more of my DIY projects and stop by the blog again next week for the
Go visit Marty and see her updated craft room -- it's finished and it looks amazing. Go HERE to see it!
P.S. If you missed getting to the essential oils webinar, that's OK! We have it recorded for you to listen to at your leisure. It is SO good! I can't listen to this stuff enough and Jessica is amazing!
Go HERE and you can watch it and email me back with any questions you might have. I'm happy to try and help you. By the way, the video starts and is silent for the first 30 seconds, so don't panick or turn up your volume too high!Medicine Cabinet Makeover Webinar.

**I have a few affiliate links in this post - this does not mean you pay a dime more for the product when you purchase through my link. It just means I made it easier for you to find what you might like, so I make a few cents if you purchase. I SO SO SO appreciate when you support Organizing Made Fun. Thank you!!**
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