Hi everyone! I'm excited to guest post today. I met Becky at Blissdom and she is now my organizing idol. I have a stalker-like obsession with her site and am always dipping into the archives for more. I blog at Two Story Cottage where I chronicle my adventures in home decorating.
Confession: I'm not as organized as Becky but I'm always trying. I'm one of those people who needs a system for survival. If my creative side were in charge, my house would be a permanent wreck.
Life with {small} kids is messy but the mess does not have to rule your house.
Fact: Toys multiply. Like rabbits. We had zero toys five years ago which is laughable now. We are lucky enough to have a bonus space upstairs where a few bigger toys go; however, the family room is really where the bulk of our day is spent.
There are PLENTY of toys to play with - you just don't see them - at least when they are put away.
Enter the Cameron storage unit from PB Kids. The best furniture investment I've ever made. Period. Would I have ever spent that kind of money on storage for our playroom? Probably not, but this is our main living area and I wanted it to last. It has been well worth the cost.
I love that it doesn't look like it came from a kid store. It belongs in the room. I changed the knobs to make it more adult. Adding bun feet would really dress it up too!
I don't label my baskets because I like the understated look. Also, the kids know where things go and our needs change frequently. There are several dress-up baskets, a gadget basket, a junk basket, a toddler basket, and an empty simply because we don't need it right now. The drawers hold trucks, blocks, and instruments.
We keep puzzles and games in our TV cabinet so those are hidden away as well.
Tip: Every time a new toy comes in, make room by taking something out. I also slip things out of the junk basket on a regular basis.
Decorating is my passion and the storage unit doubles as a mantel for me. Right now it is decorated for spring but I change it out seasonally. Most people don't notice the toys and I love that you can hide it in plain sight.
The Cameron storage components can be found at Pottery Barn Kids. The Kendall collection at Company Kids is similar and less expensive.
Other items relating to storage in our home:
Where We Play (old house)
Thanks for having me, Becky!

OK...Erin is just the sweetest and cutest gal! It was so fun to meet her at Blissdom last February. She has graciously filled in for me this week while I travel with my hubby on his business trip to Florida. Go and visit her blog and tell her I sent you. She has amazing taste and decorates her home beautifully!
If you want to follow my adventures in Florida, you can follow me on my Instagram or Twitter...where I'll be sharing my photos from my travels abroad!
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