In my attempt to organize just about everything possible, I'm going to give you some ways to keep organized by using Pinterest, while you're on Pinterest, or just trying to keep up with Pinterest etiquette.

If you are wondering "What in the world is Pinterest?"...well, you my friend, are in for a treat! In order to be a part of Pinterest, you must be invited {which you can ALWAYS ask me for an invitation and I will gladly send you one}. Once you are invited, you can begin to find friends or follow others on there. You can also use the tool called a "pin-it button" that can sit in your tool bar. Anytime you see something fantastic on the internet, you can "pin" it into one of your many pinboards - a virtual bulletin board, and how organized is that?

1. Have a set time each day to go on Pinterest. If you find yourself lost on Pinterest for hours at a time, set a timer and stop when it's up - cause I know too many of you can go overboard and waste time {cause you've left comments about it}. That's not a good thing...so be careful. Or, better yet, set a specific time each day/week to go on there to get inspiration. You don't want to get lost for a long time. I usually go on Pinterest in the evening with my laptop and watching a TV show with hubby.

2. Make your pinboards fit your needs. For instance, if you mostly like certain things, say, organizing - you can label all kinds of boards about organizing. Also, feel free to add more...make up your own theme of boards. I have a plethora of organizing boards.

3. When you are pinning something from a website or blog, be sure to not click on the Home Page, but click on the specific post. When you click on the Home page and try to go back and follow your pin, you won't be able to find it. That costs you {and anyone else who's re-pinning} time. I often go back to look up a recipe I've pinned to cook it, so I want to be sure I don't spend my time searching the whole website again. See the above tutorial on how to pin a permalink URL.

4. Get the Pinterest app...well, it's fun. Anytime I have a moment I'm waiting in line somewhere, I pull out my phone and Pin!! This is probably the best use of wasted time anyway...so THIS is a great app! Plus, if you are out and about and need to refer to something you pinned - pick up a craft supply, a grocery item, etc. - it's right there with you. I often want to share a pin with a friend and can show them - party stuff, cute ideas, etc.

5. When searching, try using different words to type your search. For instance, if you want to find some ways to organize your closet, you could type "organized closet" or "organized" or "organize" or "organizing" or "closet" - note: organize vs. organized! You'd be surprised that it changes a lot! Be creative when searching and remember to look at the pin AND the board in the search engine.

6. Organize your boards by using the rearrange button. I try to organize mine with having all my main "themed" {organizing} boards at the top of my page, so when people want to follow my Pinterest, they can choose those first. I put my more personal boards {kids stuff, gifts for the family, stuff I find for my friends} WAY down at the bottom so that they don't have to choose that. You can do whatever you want, but I don't necessarily want to follow everyone's boards. If I see some nasty stuff pop up on my home page, I immediately go to that person's pin boards and unclick from their board that contains that. I mostly want a few main categories to follow anyways.
7. Now, when you pin, please don't copy the entire blog post. I know most of you have no idea why that's bad "pinner" etiquette, but it IS considered so. I am not really that concerned with most of my stuff, but if you copy a cleaning tip or recipe it's not nice. Bloggers work hard to put out a lot of this information that you pin and we are happy to let you pin - putting together the project, taking photos of it, editing photos, writing the post, and editing that. So, if you could only put necessary information when you pin, so that when others re-pin from you, it will have them go TO our websites and find out what else we have there, too. I know that when I've pinned a recipe, I usually JUST put the title. It's really best to go TO their website and get the full recipe/directions/tutorial that's much more accurate and you can see more photos of it, generally, to actually help YOU, too!
8. Last {my favorite part}, since you have ALL your favorite pictures stored in Pinterest and can add more and more each day....you now have no reason to keep all those magazines that you've been holding on to for so long. It's time to purge and get rid of whatever stuff you've been hanging on to! Donate or recycle but you don't need to hang on them once you realize that there is amazing stuff on there you can keep virtually forever!! Did you know HGTV, Better Homes & Gardens, Real Simple, Martha Stewart Living, and many more have Pinterest boards? As well, Pottery Barn, West Elm, Etsy, and William Sonoma {many more, I'm sure}...so why hang on to those catalogs either?
OK...so now that's out of the way! You know lots of etiquette, organizing, and ways to do things when using Pinterest! Tell me, do you LOVE Pinterest?

7. Now, when you pin, please don't copy the entire blog post. I know most of you have no idea why that's bad "pinner" etiquette, but it IS considered so. I am not really that concerned with most of my stuff, but if you copy a cleaning tip or recipe it's not nice. Bloggers work hard to put out a lot of this information that you pin and we are happy to let you pin - putting together the project, taking photos of it, editing photos, writing the post, and editing that. So, if you could only put necessary information when you pin, so that when others re-pin from you, it will have them go TO our websites and find out what else we have there, too. I know that when I've pinned a recipe, I usually JUST put the title. It's really best to go TO their website and get the full recipe/directions/tutorial that's much more accurate and you can see more photos of it, generally, to actually help YOU, too!
8. Last {my favorite part}, since you have ALL your favorite pictures stored in Pinterest and can add more and more each day....you now have no reason to keep all those magazines that you've been holding on to for so long. It's time to purge and get rid of whatever stuff you've been hanging on to! Donate or recycle but you don't need to hang on them once you realize that there is amazing stuff on there you can keep virtually forever!! Did you know HGTV, Better Homes & Gardens, Real Simple, Martha Stewart Living, and many more have Pinterest boards? As well, Pottery Barn, West Elm, Etsy, and William Sonoma {many more, I'm sure}...so why hang on to those catalogs either?
OK...so now that's out of the way! You know lots of etiquette, organizing, and ways to do things when using Pinterest! Tell me, do you LOVE Pinterest?
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