I bought some galvanized planters at Ikea, one tall and one mid-sized planter.

Since I don't have a Cricut or Silhouette machine, I asked my friend Marti if she could help me out. She has a Cricut {which was SO fun to use} and found a great font that I liked in a large size. We used clear contact paper to cut the stencil out. I wanted to have a reverse stencil effect, so this was just right. She also made a set of matching numbers for my house number.

I took some "frog tape" and taped off around the top of the planter - of course, I measured it first. I measured out where to put the letter and numbers on each planter. Then, I spray painted a flat black in light coats. The last coat, I immediately peeled off the cut letter/numbers {I practiced doing this with an extra number on the bottom of one of the planters}. I took a pin to prick the corner and then tweezers to pull it off. {the house numbers are obscure on purpose, by the way}.

You may have noticed that some of the black came off when I was pulling off the stencil, but I just took a black marker and filled in those spots - you can't even tell! Then, I sprayed a glossy clear acrylic over the whole thing - to seal it all in and give it a nice shine.

Now, I just have to actually put some plants in them! Soon!
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