I would like to welcome my blogger friend, Leslie. She's from Goodbye House, Hello Home! She LOVES to organize and I asked her to share her VERY organized refrigerator with you all today! AND....{drum roll} she wants to have a giveaway here! Yes, you heard it - an actual GIVEAWAY! I don't generally do giveaways, but she insisted and wanted to give you all something special so read on.

Leslie is stay-at-home mom of 21 years to two daughters, and has been
wife and encourager to Mark for 22 years. She is a Certified Interior
Decorator (CID), Professional Home Stager and Organizer. Since 2000,
Leslie has also been a seller on eBay and etsy, mainly specializing in
linens and vintage home decor. She
loves vintage, ironstone, estate sales, birds, her mom, popcorn, Earl
Grey, etsy, dark chocolate, parties, hugs and kisses, and travelling.
But most of all, she loves turning ugly or unwanted things into
beautiful and useful ones, for this is what Jesus' love has done to her! Here she goes:
And why not organize it?Isn't a refrigerator but a cold cabinet?A large, chilly container? A cooled closet? A contemporary cellar?So, I got to it. I opened up my fridge.
Not too bad, right?
While shopping at Wal-Mart, I found these lovelies. The 3 large handled baskets were $2.50 each. The 3 small handled baskets were $2.00 each. And the 4 packs of storage trays were $1.17 each. I also went grocery shopping.
I chose these bins so I could group the food into categories, see the food more easily, and slide the bins around on the shelves when I am looking for something that has been lost in the abyss that is called the back of my refrigerator.
Below: bread-making supplies, dairy items, Chick-Fil-A catsup? and sushi ginger slices, PB and J.
The drawer got categorized, too. Cheese, tomato paste and wasabi (I make sushi!), and more cheese.
I end up throwing a lot of food away because it gets stuck at the back.And I forget about it.Do you?The handled bins are great- I just take them out and set them on the counter, get what I need, and slide it back on the shelf.
What's also nice about the bins is that they keep the refrigerator cleaner. If something gets leaky, it stays in the bin, and I rinse the bin out.
So, call me crazy.
Call me a nut.OCD.Weird.Why?Because I organized my refrigerator.----
.Back when Leslie Organized her Refrigerator, who knew what a fuss would be made over it?On Pinterest, this post has been pinned and repinned over 1,400 times.To-date, it has had 22,000 page views.She got many comments and emails asking about the bins and some of youcouldn't find them and wished that you could.So, I am going to give you a chance to win,
a set of your very own baskets and bins to organize your refrigerator! (When you've won, you'll need to measure the inside of your refrigerator so you'll receive the exact baskets you need to organize yours perfectly.)
To enter to win ~ all you need to do is:
(Don't forget to leave a SEPARATE COMMENT for each entry you qualify for!)
1 entry: Leave a comment below--just say hi!
{You MUST enter your email address}
2 entries: If you enjoy my blog, follow along
and leave a comment saying you are my new Friend.
If you are already a follower, this counts as an entry, too!
by 12:00 midnight (EST)
~ NOVEMBER 9th ~
she will use random.org and I announce the winner on
November 10th!
I'm sorry, but the giveaway is only for those living in the {contiguous} United States only!
I'm sorry, but the giveaway is only for those living in the {contiguous} United States only!
There you have it! A super-fantastically organized refrigerator AND a chance to win a set of baskets to organize your refrigerator! How is THAT for a fun guest?
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Parties:Delightful Order
House of Hepworths
Shabby Nest
Tidy Mom
Organizing Junkie
Serenity Now
Funky Junk Interiors
Tater Tots and Jello
Iheart naptime
Ask Anna
Tip Junkie
A Bowl Full of Lemons
Not Just a Housewife
Clean and Scentsible
Organize and Decorate Everything