So, for the next few months each Wednesday, I'm going to show you how I organize ordinary spaces in my home, car, life, and any other area I can think of...I'm not an expert, just someone who loves to organize and figure out how to make things work in weird spaces and familiar spaces. I'd love to hear how you organize your spaces, too and I'll be featuring a few of you who have sent me pictures of your organized spaces!
As a side note, you'll notice that my blog doesn't not do giveaways or even have any advertising. That's my purpose, pretty much. You will even notice that I have a schedule on my side bar. This will help you to know what topic I'll be posting and how often. I only post three days a keep you from having too much clutter in your blogger or email inbox.
Use this blog as a resource to help you get more organized! If you've made a resolution this year to get more organized, clean out your clutter, or just love to get motivated to do projects around your house...go back through the labels and look up any of these words {or click on the pink words I've typed} to find all the past posts about these topics! This can help you keep up your excitement each month and focus on keeping up your house or area of your life your need to keep organized...because Organizing is FUN!!
As a side note, you'll notice that my blog doesn't not do giveaways or even have any advertising. That's my purpose, pretty much. You will even notice that I have a schedule on my side bar. This will help you to know what topic I'll be posting and how often. I only post three days a keep you from having too much clutter in your blogger or email inbox.
I still LOVE to hear from you...and hear comments that you stopped by or that you have another idea, too. Feel free to EMAIL me any ideas or your pictures of what you've organized so I can share with everyone, too! Become a Facebook fan and tell your friends, too!
Use this blog as a resource to help you get more organized! If you've made a resolution this year to get more organized, clean out your clutter, or just love to get motivated to do projects around your house...go back through the labels and look up any of these words {or click on the pink words I've typed} to find all the past posts about these topics! This can help you keep up your excitement each month and focus on keeping up your house or area of your life your need to keep organized...because Organizing is FUN!!

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There are some products that are linked to my Amazon affiliate link.