Today is the day. Are you ready to start looking at things differently? In the Mom's guide to getting your house organized and clutter free, we started by simply getting into the habit of sitting down each evening and planning out our schedule and routine each week. Second, we started meal planning. Those two things are vital habits to form in your home in order to get your whole life/home organized and clutter free. And, did you start these habits? How are you feeling about them? Is it making a difference? Today, I want you to start looking at your stuff differently.
You see, so often we decide that we NEED stuff to make us happy! But, we also see that STUFF actually makes us sadder and having LESS stuff makes us happier. I'm going to reiterate several points that I have made in past posts because they are just timeless information for you to mull over.
To be good at organizing, you have to be good at purging - and doing it a LOT. I go through stuff weekly. Not a full on, pull everything out, all over the floor purge every week - but I look at stuff around me weekly to check and make sure I'm actually using it. If I'm not, I get rid of it.
We often find we want to declutter but when you go to put back the stuff you actually use, you have no place for it. Or, a family member uses something but doesn't know where it "belongs". Everything needs a home. Label it, color code it, or do whatever you need to remember where it belongs.
If you have two of something, you likely have too many! Unless you've got twins, two of something means it's time to toss it!
The "someday I may need it" item needs to go. Storing it now for someday isn't always the best choice and just causes more clutter. Give it to a friend to borrow who needs it now, and give it back when your "someday" has arrived. Or, just get it someday when that day has come. Don't hang on to it - that includes those clothes that "someday" you'll fit into again. If that day comes, you're going to want to get all new clothes anyway! If you want to paint this or fix up that someday and it's not happening, get rid of it.
If you hang on to things because you feel bad, don't. Get rid of it. That present Aunt Martha gave you five years ago that you never liked, give it away. It happens. That garage sale you can't resist, don't stop if you truly don't have a need. It will only cause you to be tempted to want to buy things you don't really need.
Letting go of that clutter is SO freeing! Do it! You won't regret it! Things are just things. Having a home that is clutter free sets the mood for you and your family. Having a home that is clutter free helps keep you less stressed and calm! Are you going to get rid of the clutter? See more about clutter below!

You see, so often we decide that we NEED stuff to make us happy! But, we also see that STUFF actually makes us sadder and having LESS stuff makes us happier. I'm going to reiterate several points that I have made in past posts because they are just timeless information for you to mull over.
Clutter Rules:
1. Purge Often.
To be good at organizing, you have to be good at purging - and doing it a LOT. I go through stuff weekly. Not a full on, pull everything out, all over the floor purge every week - but I look at stuff around me weekly to check and make sure I'm actually using it. If I'm not, I get rid of it.
2. Assign homes.
We often find we want to declutter but when you go to put back the stuff you actually use, you have no place for it. Or, a family member uses something but doesn't know where it "belongs". Everything needs a home. Label it, color code it, or do whatever you need to remember where it belongs.
3. Get rid of duplicates
If you have two of something, you likely have too many! Unless you've got twins, two of something means it's time to toss it!
4. Someday items need to go.
The "someday I may need it" item needs to go. Storing it now for someday isn't always the best choice and just causes more clutter. Give it to a friend to borrow who needs it now, and give it back when your "someday" has arrived. Or, just get it someday when that day has come. Don't hang on to it - that includes those clothes that "someday" you'll fit into again. If that day comes, you're going to want to get all new clothes anyway! If you want to paint this or fix up that someday and it's not happening, get rid of it.
5. It's not really needed.
If you hang on to things because you feel bad, don't. Get rid of it. That present Aunt Martha gave you five years ago that you never liked, give it away. It happens. That garage sale you can't resist, don't stop if you truly don't have a need. It will only cause you to be tempted to want to buy things you don't really need.
Letting go of that clutter is SO freeing! Do it! You won't regret it! Things are just things. Having a home that is clutter free sets the mood for you and your family. Having a home that is clutter free helps keep you less stressed and calm! Are you going to get rid of the clutter? See more about clutter below!

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Thanks, Becky, for motivating me to finally let go of unneeded and unwanted items. Your 5 clutter rules will be great to keep me on task as I tackle decluttering my house!