A lot of times we forget to clean out our make-up and continue buying more and more, adding it to our ever growing stash. I'm saying this from personal experience. A few years ago I had way too many beauty products, some I had never used and some that had been expired for years. Once I cleaned out my stash I vowed to keep it that way. I have a few things I do to keep my beauty products in check so I'm not wasting money and space. So today we're going to talk about Beauty Products Storage and Expiration Dates.
1. I buy my tried and true products.
These are products I like and I know they work so there's really no need to try something new and take the risk I might not like it.
2. If I do want to try a new make-up
...I can sample it at the make-up counter, wear it for a day, and go back to purchase it later if I love it.
3. I often buy a sample size of a product
...to test it out before I commit to spending more money on the product.
4. I write the expiration date on the product with a sharpie marker when I purchase it.
I know exactly when I need to replace it with a new one and toss the old one.
5. I go through my beauty products twice a year
...and toss out any expired products or one's I haven't use within those 6 months.
I made a printable for you with the guidelines I use for beauty product expiration dates. Just click on the description below to print one out for yourself.
Beauty Products Expiration Dates printable
It's easy to keep your products separated and organized by using inexpensive baskets.
Or glass jars for things you want to display.
Don't forget to go through your make up that is kept in other places such as your gym bag or travel case. Don't think of this as one more space you need to organize, think of all the space you'll be getting back and how you'll be getting rid of things you don't use anyway.
Happy Organizing!
Leanne of Organize and Decorate Everything
Thank you for letting me share with you.
Here are a couple more posts you might enjoy: Organizing the Laundry Room 20 Crafts to make Organizing Easier
I love her idea -- and have used it myself for all kinds of dating of our stuff around here. Check it out!

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This will definitely be useful in my home. I have read about makeup expiration dates before, but then I forgot what they were. Thank you for making this a printable!