Friday, September 13, 2013

House Tour - Professional style

I was recently approached by a local real estate agent - not to sell my house - but to take pictures of my house for his brochure/pamphlet. The bonus? He hired a professional photographer to come to my house and take pictures and I get to have all the copies! So, I thought I'd share them with you. A mini-tour of my home!

Here is the front of the house, street view.

And up close to our front porch and my favorite front door!

Inside the front door is our living room, which I've recently restyled - and planned to take my own pictures of it. I will share more with you soon on what I've done in there.

Here is looking the other direction. We have wonderful front windows overlooking the whole street - I love it! Sunny and bright in the living room!

Our kitchen is also at the front of the house, just as you walk in the front door the other direction from our living room. 

Here's a little closer view of the kitchen - never remodeled, but updated a little bit each year we've lived here!

Last week, I showed you the new cart we put in the kitchen. You can see i looks great in here and you can see how the house flows and you go into my music room {where I teach piano lessons each week}, but is also the back entry. 

Here is the view facing the other way - where you can see our living room on the left and a little bit of the kitchen on the right. 

This is all the pictures he took of the inside of the house - there's much more: the kids rooms, the family room, my office, and our master bedroom. But, you head out the back entry to our deck area here.

My hubby built the deck, outdoor kitchen, and the fireplace. We had a contractor build the patio cover last year when we had our roof and solar panels put in. If you'd like to see a full tour of our home with everyone room and the garage - you can go HERE to see a full tour. The pictures won't look as beautiful as this, but you'll certainly get a good view!

Photo credit: Unlimited Style Photography
Realtor: Eric Polster

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