Monday, September 16, 2013

It's OK to NOT plan everything -- why worry!

Having a schedule is top on my priority list. But, even I know that you just can't PLAN everything. Sometimes it's best just to "go with the flow" - toss out your planner for the time being - and let things happen!

Do you agree? I think that sometimes we "organized people" have to get over that. And, those who aren't so organized need to know that you are sometimes the ones we envy!

Maybe it's that I'm getting older and I'm learning to trust more on God's timing and not my own, but I'm way less obsessed with my schedules and calendars than I once was. That being said, I'm still a "schedule girl" and like to keep things running smoothly, but there are times when you just get stuck in traffic. Or, you get stuck in something...being anxious about the situation doesn't help. Worry never fixes anything.

Many of you know that I am a Christian and I truly believe that God is, in fact, in control of everything. Do you ever get that knot in your stomach when you begin feeling anxious about a situation? I do -- it's so wrong. I know it. God is slowly taking that knot away from me, once I give it over to Him. 

It's dumb stuff too - I get anxious when I have my schedule all laid out and planned and start worrying about whether it will fit into MY timing. I want to encourage you, in this short post, not to be anxious - especially in the little things. The more I give over these little things and allow God to do what His plans are, I realize that His plans were a lot better than mine! Thanks for listening to me talk about worry and anxiety! Do you ever feel this way?

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