Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I Work Everywhere!

{This post is sponsored by Office Depot and I get to share with you the fun things I do with their products}

As a blogger I {literally} work EVERYWHERE. It's a blessing and a curse. I'm so thankful that I get to work from home, from my van, from the doctor's office, from the car wash....well, you get the idea. So, I carry my laptop EVERYWHERE so I can work here and there and whenever I have a spare moment. 

But, the laptop bags that I lug around aren't really all that pretty. I want to look good, you know? Or I'd have a laptop carrier AND a purse. 

But, I found this CUTE and totally fashionable laptop bag from Office Depot. It came in red also, but I decided on the conservative black this time. Can you believe that's a laptop bag? It's FULL of organized compartments inside, too. 

When you're a work-at-home-mom {WAHM} you have to be ready for anything that might come along during your day - when you're supposed to be working! You can see, from my Instagram feed, that I work in all kinds of places. 

Anyway, the best part of this bag is that I can use it as a purse. I honestly don't carry around much with me in my purse - it stays much more organized that way and I'm just really don't need a lot. However, I love that I can throw my purse things in with it, too.

This particular laptop bag helps me to keep other things organized - other than my laptop. I can easily carry a binder or my wall calendar {for planning things} and a bunch of other things in this bag. The best part is I picked it up at Office Depot for not a ton of money! Do you have a laptop bag? Is it stylish or just OK?

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