I have long been a lover of succulents, especially when my hubby finished building our deck a few years ago. The reason? They are SUPER easy to manage. Talk about low maintenance -- I water them once a week {twice a week in the summer}.
If you had a chance to see my husband and I on the Hometalk Show a couple weeks ago, you got a sneak peek at my hanging succulents!
Our patio cover is all steel beams. We did it that way on purpose because if we had wood beams, there would be big poles to support the deck smack dab in the middle of it - but you can watch more of our video on all there HERE. Because of that, I bought some seriously powerful magnets {affiliate link} to hang the succulents from the beams - they are rated to hold up to 50 pounds each. I spray painted them black to blend in with the patio covers.
I got my hanging baskets all set up on the back of my chairs to make it easier to fill them up with the succulents. I use an organic soil made for cactus and succulents - so it drains more quickly.
I also found a wholesale nursery that sold succulents for way cheap -- cause the cost to fill four baskets could be really pricey. Then, I split them up to fill the four hanging baskets.

They will grow and eventually spill over and fill out. They love the hot deck- which is west-facing and can be about 15 degrees hotter than the temperature is outside.
I was quite skeptical that these hooks would actually hold these pots - they are HEAVY! So, I put the hook on, pushed all the furniture away, hung the hanging basket, and stepped back to wait and see them fall! They never did - they've been up several weeks now. I'm very impressed!
Are you a fan of succulents?

If you had a chance to see my husband and I on the Hometalk Show a couple weeks ago, you got a sneak peek at my hanging succulents!
Our patio cover is all steel beams. We did it that way on purpose because if we had wood beams, there would be big poles to support the deck smack dab in the middle of it - but you can watch more of our video on all there HERE. Because of that, I bought some seriously powerful magnets {affiliate link} to hang the succulents from the beams - they are rated to hold up to 50 pounds each. I spray painted them black to blend in with the patio covers.
I got my hanging baskets all set up on the back of my chairs to make it easier to fill them up with the succulents. I use an organic soil made for cactus and succulents - so it drains more quickly.
I also found a wholesale nursery that sold succulents for way cheap -- cause the cost to fill four baskets could be really pricey. Then, I split them up to fill the four hanging baskets.

They will grow and eventually spill over and fill out. They love the hot deck- which is west-facing and can be about 15 degrees hotter than the temperature is outside.
I was quite skeptical that these hooks would actually hold these pots - they are HEAVY! So, I put the hook on, pushed all the furniture away, hung the hanging basket, and stepped back to wait and see them fall! They never did - they've been up several weeks now. I'm very impressed!
Are you a fan of succulents?

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