Tuesday, October 16, 2012

31 Days of Organizing Fun: Day #16 -- Jars

Welcome to Day #16 of 31 Days of Organizing Fun! 

Jars might seem like an obvious way to organize, but let's look for some fabulous and creative ways. I use them all over the place in my house.

I used them in my craft cupboard for gel pens, on my desk for my sharpies, and in my kitchen on my counter to hold some small knives.
Chez Larsson

Using left over jars to organize little bits and pieces of stuff is great. I love how she used these old peanut butter jars to hold screws in the garage. We had a bunch of lids screwed under a big cupboard in our garage when we moved in -- so it's not a new trick!

Home Made Simple

Here's another crafty idea -- sorting out your ribbon by color, then using chalkboard pain to label the lid.

Martha Stewart

How about a way to organize your vacation memorabilia? Put little bits and pieces into a jar to organize and keep them from becoming clutter! There are so many ways to use jars -- I have only just begun! What have you used jars for?

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