Monday, October 15, 2012

31 Days of Organizing Fun: Day #15 -- Dressers

Welcome to Day #15 of 31 Days of Organizing Fun! 

I can personally vouch that using dressers to organize is fantastic! I have THREE of them -- all of them I painted black. Not sure why but I guess I want them to "disappear"!

This one I bought off Craigs list and refinished it up really cute! You can see HERE how I did that.

And then I organized each of the drawers for a specific task.

I also took my son's old dresser and turned it into an outdoor buffet that I use to organize all our outdoor goods when we entertain. 
PB&J Stories

I think this dresser, above, is probably the most FUN one I've seen! I love how she really thought outside the box and turned it into a way to hide her printer AND organize office supplies! Click on the link above for her tutorial on how she did it. 

Liz Marie Blog

And last {but certainly not the only ones I found}, is this great dresser turned into an organizing cupboard for crafts! It's great and I love this idea! Go HERE to see how she did it. 

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