Sunday, October 14, 2012

31 Days of Organizing Fun: Day #14 -- Closet Rods

Welcome to Day #14 of 31 Days of Organizing Fun! 

Closet rods can do a myriad of organizing. Did you know that?

Organizing Made Fun

I used some smaller ones in my craft cupboard to hang ribbon on. Easy and inexpensive. 

Clean Mama at The Idea Room

My friend, Becky of Clean Mama, talks about using them to hang her brooms and mops on them. I think this is truly clever!

Of course, there is the double rod hanger that use great for getting extra space in your closet and organizing more clothes!

This one is using the closet rod to hang drawers on it! How fun is that? Tell me, what else could you use closet rods for?

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