Wednesday, October 17, 2012

31 Days of Organizing Fun: Day #17 -- PVC pipe

Welcome to Day #17 of 31 Days of Organizing Fun! 

Another FUN way to organize -- PVC pipe! Oh the possibilities!

Family Handyman

Let's start with this one! Here PVC pipe is simply used inside this bathroom cabinet to hold curling irons and their cords! I really like this idea!

Don't Worry Be Happy Keep Learning

Oh, and another one similar but that can hold a hair dryer and flat iron!

Ashbee Design

Let's tak you out to the shed or the garage and see this smart lady organized her shovels, brooms, and garden tools with pvc pipe!

PVC Workshop

Another for your workshop to hold your screw drivers. So clever!

Family Handyman

Last, is this one that is actually attached to some pegboard.  All kinds of "skinny" things can be organized easily. Have you ever used PVC pipe to organize anything in your home {or garage}? 

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