Well, Tracy, a consultant from Clever Container, is offering you a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to shop in her catalog! How about THAT for exciting? So, I picked a few of my favorites from the catalog to show you!

As you can see above, I like the chrome locker basket. They are a great new cottage-y organizer to use and they look stylish too. Oh, and cute timers - seriously, you know I LOVE timers!
I like these portable file boxes - aren't they super cute?

I'm always a sucker for something to use on the back of your door like these over the door pockets, but when it's this pretty it's really hard to resist.

How about these cute containers you can use virtually anywhere? They are so great for organizing all the little goodies in the kitchen!

Do you have a ton of dry cleaning hangers or extra hangers that need to get out of your way in the closet? How about this neat hanger organizer that can move from your closet to your laundry room - take off a hanger when you wear something, put it in the organizer, then down to the laundry room for hanging back up!

Who couldn't use a cute tub to throw stuff into? Whether it's in the garage or in the playroom or the family room - to hold papers, toys, or blankets!

This chore chart for kids looks fun - not sure exactly how it works, but I bet the kids would enjoy their chores more!

And last, we have car organizing! Remember how I organized my van? Well, here you go...easy containers to help you keep organized in your car. So, are you ready to win a $50 gift certificate to Clever Containers Catalog? If so, enter below to win {email subscribers please click on blog title and then go to the bottom of this post to enter}. Don't wait...enter now because it will end on May 7 at 9 PM {PST}!!!
Tracy's website and consultant ID is 453
Tracy's Facebook page
Contact Tracy HERE
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