It's a magnetic bulletin board. My daughter has a bulletin board behind her door, which is great for her to display whatever she wants. But, the problem came when the pins kept coming out and ending up on the floor - ouch! Or, the pretty scrapbook paper I used got torn and tattered - uggh!

I've made a magnetic art board before AND I cut up some sheet metal to use in my spice cupboard, so I just had to get the last piece of leftovers to make this one.

My supplies were: gloves {cause you can seriously cut yourself on that stuff}, sheet metal {found in the roofing department of the hardware store}, a marker, ruler/yardstick, electric sheet metal cutter {you can use a regular one, but these don't cost too much and work WAY faster}. I also needed some pretty fabric, spray adhesive, and some painter's tape.

I simply cut the sheet metal to the size I needed - which I didn't have much left so I just snipped off the pieces off to make it a rectangle. I wrapped the fabric around it and cut off the excess, then used painter's tape around the edges after I used a little more spray adhesive. It was easy!

Then, I used the Command velcro attachments to adhere it to her wall - which is nice since it doesn't need to be perfect so you can eyeball it {that's my classic way of doing it} into place! Super cute, don't you think?
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