Friday, April 1, 2011

Change it up! Moving around!

Are we all alike?  Do we all constantly move stuff around and re-arrange things?  I's fun and keeps things fresher and newer.  Well, my hubby recently purchased a surprise {Valentine's Day} gift for me when we were in Big Bear back in February on vacation.

This is what it looked like in the store...

Well, this is what the living room looked like BEFORE {remember this when we got our ceilings scraped and the lighting done?}.  

Right after we put in our new lighting!  Purdy!

And NOW, here is the living room with my new cabinet.   

The scale is JUST right!

So, where did I put the little side table?  I moved it to my!

Moved it under the decal and added two celery green parsons chairs...

Now, let me give you a few close ups of the new cabinet and what's inside.  I still have more ideas, too!

I added some personal touches and thrift store finds....Notice on the top and middle shelves I have old tools!  Those belonged to my hubby's grandpa and we had them in a dusty, old, chest under our basement stairs.  I found them while cleaning out my laundry room {you'll be seeing my newly transformed laundry room in a couple of weeks}.  

To make it more personal, I plan to get a picture of his grandpa in his uniform - he fought in World War II.  These tools are so neat and they mean a lot to my hubby!

I also hope to get an old picture of his grandpa and grandma on their wedding day and maybe other old wedding pictures of family, too!  I also picked up some pretty dishes at a thrift store and this "Cake Bible" was actually a gag gift for a white elephant gift exchange at Christmas - not bad, eh?  

I love cheap and free cool stuff!  On top I put a bowl given to me from my mother in law - she got it at Cracker Barrel  - and a few other fun things.

And there you go....swapping, moving, changing things up!  What do you think?

Linking to these parties:
Funky Junk Interiors
A Bowl Full of Lemons 
Momma Hen 
House of Hepworths

Autism Awareness Month bloggers who are joining together to make you aware of autism:
 Organizing Made Fun
Earth Monkey Moms
A Bowl Full of Lemons

Hello House, Goodbye Home
Pieces of My Heart 
Caffeinated Autism Mom
Mom's Flight School

This Journey Through Life 

I'd love to have  HUGE list of bloggers joining me, so won't you?

Autism websites:

Autism Speaks

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