My kids have been on schedules since they were born - literally! I had each of my kids on a feeding schedule, play schedule, sleep schedule...well, it helped a lot. My days were more predictable and they both slept through the night early - eight weeks, by the grace of God! I'm going to show you some of the kids' schedules that I have made through the years. By the time they are walking, they should be able to help around the house. My son, who's nearly eleven years old and has autism, thrives on schedules. They actually free you up to be more spontaneous when you keep things organized, scheduled and in order. My husband...he is the spontaneous one - surprised? Although, after nearly 16 years of marriage I'm a lot more spontaneous than I used to be, and he is a lot more scheduled then he used to be! So, here is the sampling of my kids schedules that have been changed and updated through the years:

I even found this one for Rachel for 1 1/2 years old!

I started using this with Adam when he was only three and started preschool. It helped him with learning time and dates, too, as I updated these on the frig each morning for him!

This was Adam's schedule when he was a little older - I believe I use this for summertime to keep him busy.
Now that he's eleven, the chores get tougher and more of them - but, no more pictures!
These are all examples of how you can change and grow schedules for your kids as they grow older. I keep one of these inside the pantry and one behind the doors in the kids rooms. Here is the breakdown of Rachel and Adam's full morning schedules:, as you can see my kids have these schedules to mostly help them get moving in the morning. My son is allowed to do anything after breakfast in any order he wants, so long as it gets done. I hope these are helpful and give you an idea that no matter what age, expect your kids to do chores and get moving. If I have trouble keep them from getting distracted or slowing down, and with one particular child I do, I have to keep a timer wherever they are and give them a reasonable amount of time to do what's next. As they mature and grow older, they DO much better and don't need so much reminding!

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Yay Becky! I love your new blog and I thought I was the only freakish mommy who organized my kids this way! :) I totally clip art stuff too! Love you friend! This is great. YOu need some links of your favorite things and some goole add stuff to make some money off this venture! :)
ReplyDeleteI saw this cute idea for checking off responsibilities/chores on a homemade magnetic board.
Oh, I love this! Another creative way to get your kids moving! Thanks for the link!
ReplyDeleteI love it! It's good for the kids to be scheduled too! Thanks for linking up!
ReplyDeleteBonnie :)
I am very impressed! I am going to make the charts today so they can be used to them by the time school starts. Then they can help make new ones for the school year.
ReplyDeleteAna from:
I'm impressed. I will make their charts today so they can get used to the idea. By the time they start school they will be pros!
Ana from
I'm impressed. I will make their charts today so they can get used to the idea. By the time they start school they will be pros!
Ana from