I have amazing friends. I'm not kidding, my friends have done some fabulous things with their homes and lives and I always get excited to see that! So, when my friend, Sarah, posted a picture on Facebook of the fabulous organized dividers she made for her kids when she homeschools, I HAD to go and see them for myself and share them with you!
She used display boards {similar to this one, Amazon link} and then spray painted them each their own color.
You can see that each divider fits on their little Ikea "Lack" table. For each one there is a pencil pocket, calendar, magnetic ruler, cork board and more! Such a fun way to keep things personal for each child.
They work well in their room, but are also great to move somewhere else - like a kitchen table as they grow bigger.
One thing that impressed me about Sarah's home, not only that it was warm and inviting, but it's small size didn't hinder her from using the space wisely.
With two boys and a girl sharing a closet, Sarah really wanted to purchase a "fancy" closet system. But, after her son came down with cancer, that wasn't possible with their funds! She moved their dresser into the closet and purchased Ikea boxes and hung clothes so they all fit. It's got a curtain - she actually had her little girl in the closet as a baby - but now they leave the curtain opened most of time. Having no closet doors actually helps a small bedroom appear bigger.
Over the top of their bunks beds, which has a pull out trundle for sister - she has shelves for her son's collection of Legos. If you have a boy who loves Legos, you know you have to have some place to display them!
And last, she even uses the back and top of the door too! Over the door is more storage! ON the door she hangs her "teacher's chair" from a hook so she can sit down and work with her boys while doing schoolwork. Much her space saving items are from Ikea - of course! Do you homeschool or live in a small space? What kinds of ways do you use to keep things organized?

She used display boards {similar to this one, Amazon link} and then spray painted them each their own color.
You can see that each divider fits on their little Ikea "Lack" table. For each one there is a pencil pocket, calendar, magnetic ruler, cork board and more! Such a fun way to keep things personal for each child.
They work well in their room, but are also great to move somewhere else - like a kitchen table as they grow bigger.
One thing that impressed me about Sarah's home, not only that it was warm and inviting, but it's small size didn't hinder her from using the space wisely.
With two boys and a girl sharing a closet, Sarah really wanted to purchase a "fancy" closet system. But, after her son came down with cancer, that wasn't possible with their funds! She moved their dresser into the closet and purchased Ikea boxes and hung clothes so they all fit. It's got a curtain - she actually had her little girl in the closet as a baby - but now they leave the curtain opened most of time. Having no closet doors actually helps a small bedroom appear bigger.
Over the top of their bunks beds, which has a pull out trundle for sister - she has shelves for her son's collection of Legos. If you have a boy who loves Legos, you know you have to have some place to display them!
And last, she even uses the back and top of the door too! Over the door is more storage! ON the door she hangs her "teacher's chair" from a hook so she can sit down and work with her boys while doing schoolwork. Much her space saving items are from Ikea - of course! Do you homeschool or live in a small space? What kinds of ways do you use to keep things organized?
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