Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bedroom Closet Organizing (part 4)

If you haven't been cleaning out your closet, or even inspired to yet....let me inspire you more! Go back to part 1, part 2, part 3 and some of the inspirational pictures.  You must have your closet at least worked on a little bit - even if you give it just 15 minutes a day, work on weeding out all the stuff you don't really need in there.
Closet Organizing |

Here are a few last pointers to getting it looking in it's best shape ever!

  • Sort like things together - shoes with shoes, dresses with dresses, jackets with jackets, etc.
  • Organize in a way that best suits you - long sleeves to short sleeved, by color, or summer and winter.  Do what works for you
  • Don't try to fit more in your closet than it can really fit
  • Use space wisely - try adding a second pole to hang your clothing so you can free up more space for other things.
  • Remember to get rid of old clothing, torn, stained and just out of style
  • Hide messy things, like purses, in boxes that are pretty
  • Try putting in drawers in your closet to eliminate your dresser, if possible. Or, if you can afford a closet organizing system, even better! Learn to fold clothing in a way that uses less space
  • Keep a clear "one in, one out" rule with clothing, shoes, purses, and anything else in your closet
  • Have everything facing the same direction, use hangers that are the same color or type
  • Be creative, it's your closet so use it wisely and make it personal 
  • If you go through the effort of pulling everything out, be sure to wipe down and paint the inside or you closet (with a satin based paint) and see what a difference a little color in there can make (plus it looks so fresh and clean)
  • You will have to spend a few minutes each day just to maintain it, but if you do a little each day it will keep your closet neat and organized

Organized Kids Closet |

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  1. These are GREAT tips that I need to implement. ;) Thanks so much for the visit and comment today...I loved your idea of backyard Thursdays. How much fun!

  2. Cool tips. I need to use these. I just gutted and organized my master closet, but it is far from done.


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