Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The FUNdamentals of Getting Organized Giveaway

If you’re ready for a fresh start and a fun approach to organizing your home, then don’t miss your chance to win this giveaway! The folks at Simplify 101 are giving one of my readers a spot in their brand new workshop, The FUNdamentals of Getting Organized. This online workshop gives you a complete system for organizing your home using simple yet effective principles. Woven throughout the lessons are 20 organizing FUNdamentals-- simple, sticky phrases designed to make the concepts sink-in and stick with you.

organize clutter class online giveaway

The information is presented in bite-sized action steps over six lessons, making it simple to put ideas into practice without feeling overwhelmed. By the end of the program, you’ll have finished organizing projects checked off your to-do list. (Yeah, endorphin rush!) Plus, you’ll have everything you need to organize the rest of your home. Each step of the way, professional organizer Aby Garvey will be there to answer your questions, provide motivation and help you work your way around any obstacles that come up as you organize.

This comprehensive program shows you how to organize your home so you can…

  • Save time because your home is arranged efficiently. You’ll get your day-to-day tasks done more quickly and you’ll no longer have to hunt for things you can’t find.
  • Have more time to spend with friends and family, relaxing and enjoying activities you love to do!
  • Save money because you’ll no longer misplace items and have to buy duplicates or replacements.
  • Eliminate stress and worry.
  • Improve your relationships by alleviating the strain clutter can cause.
  • Feel comfortable welcoming guests into your home.
  • Enjoy your home, family and life even more!

If you’ve read books on how to organize your home, collected organizing ideas via magazines, Pinterest or blogs, but your home is still more cluttered and disorganized than you’d like it to be; The FUNdamentals of Getting Organized is definitely for you! It’s also for you if you’re stalled on your organizing journey or you’re having a hard time getting started in the first place. Why? Because if you hit a snag anywhere in the process, you have access to an organizing expert ready to answer your questions and committed to your success. Plus, you get the added support and motivation of a friendly online community—like the one at simplify 101—all the better!

Enter HERE for email subscribers {via Rafflecopter}

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Plus a Discount
Simplify 101 is offering Organizing Made Fun’s readers 15% off all current online workshops and instant downloads in their shop. Enter coupon code FUN15MAR at checkout. This offer is good through March 14, 2013 and can't be combined with other offers.

About Simplify 101
Simplify 101’s mission is to make getting organized fun! In addition to online workshops, simplify 101 offers organizing tips and ideas, self-paced workshops, and one-on-one coaching. Get a taste of simplify 101—and the organized life—with their FREE, simple-to-follow guide How to Create a Command Central Binder. You’ll put together a home reference binder that will help you get organized, save time, and minimize paper clutter and the stress that comes along with it! Visit for more, and follow them on the blog, Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter!

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