Monday, March 4, 2013

OMF to the Rescue: A mudroom fail!

I have another addition of OMF to the Rescue! This time we're dealing with a mudroom. I must be honest, here in Southern California people don't have mudrooms! We don't have enough rain or snow to make mud!

But, Katie wants help and I can certainly do my best! She writes: 

The first place in my home is our entrance/mudroom/laundry room. I am at a total loss at to what to do with this room. We live in a home that was built in the 1800's so there is not a lot of closet space. This room was set up like this when we first moved in. However the gentleman that lived here before lived alone. We on the other hand are a young family with a 8 month old baby and a 12 month old puppy. I would like to make this room a welcoming room that is functional for our needs. Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is our mudroom/entrance/laundry room. 

As you can see, it's a little crowded. 

She has plenty of stuff on top of the washer and dryer that needs a home.

I can tell from her pictures that it's sort of a walk thru room, so here are some ideas I have to help fix her organizing dilemma.  The first thing she'll need to do is go through everything in here to determine if it should be in the room and move things out that aren't. 

View Along the Way

The first thing I noticed was that over her washer/dryer there was nothing - it's wasted space. Walls have the opportunity to offer more space! I suggest that she put shelving of some sort {as pictured above} above her washer/dryer. Go HERE to see the fabulous make-over that this blogger did in the picture above.

I also think to save space, she could stack her washer/dryer and then use the extra space on whichever side {depending on whether the utility hook-ups allow this} for cubbies or shelving and than additional cupboard or shelving above the washer/dryer, as above.


I think I saw a bench in there across from the washer/dryer, so that's a great place to sit and put shoes on but again she could use the wall all the way to the top. I saw this bench/mudroom set up, above, and she used all Ikea cabinets to put it together. It's a bit too big for Katie's mudroom, but the idea is that you can go up and gain more storage. I found her tutorial great in showing which pieces she used and how - go HERE to see that. 

Love this cheap solution to shelving from Northern Cottage

For MORE great ideas for laundry and mudrooms, go to my Pinterest Board HERE and see what I've been pinning! I hope you can all see how small spaces are still useable. Old spaces, too! I have an old house - well, not 1800s old - but it's a good 60+ years old. I love it and it's got tons of charm and we even have lots of great built-ins, but there are sometimes obstacles that we have to work with. Also, remember to USE Pinterest as a tool, not as an envy, not-content, time wasting website. Let it give you ideas on how you can incorporate your strange space to one that works for you. Do you have a laundry room with space and organizing issues?

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