Friday, March 8, 2013

My Living Room and my itch!

Our house has a wonderful living room in the front of our house. There is a big wall of just windows and I can see the entire street up and down from in there. It's beautiful. I painted it when we first moved in and we added a burgundy-red sectional. I love it - but I'm starting to get the itch again. I get it when I'm ready for a change. 

Honestly, it's not a well used room. We don't spend our time in there much, but we use it for Bible Studies and for when we have a big crowd of people and the weather is a little less than desirable {which really isn't all that much} and we can't eat outside. We also have family gatherings in there as it's a large room and can hold lots of people. It's warm and inviting, but I'm ready for a change!

I started with chairs. My former chairs I ordered online and when they arrived were WAY bigger than I imagined - they were wide and could probably fit a person and a half in each. They were sturdy and strong and were fine so I've kept them for the last six years and used them. But, I decided I'm going to fix things in there and that was the first thing. So, I sold the chairs -- in order to recoup a little bit of the cost and to use towards purchasing new ones. 

I found these DARLING chairs online at and I knew they were going to be what I had in mind. They were only $114 each -- not kidding. That included shipping!! And they are comfortable!

See the difference? The chairs before were {literally} ten inches wider each. It took up a lot of room and they were crammed in this area. Plus, these really update the area. 

living room chairs accent chair

I also liked these because they were armless. So, even less room! Aren't they cute?

So, now I'm thinking about repainting the room...of course! I have pulled some swatches of paint colors on the wall to think about something. The room is cozy, but it lacks a lot of color, which I love!

One goal I have in this room is to take the built-ins  that are in there - which is the long fireplace mantle and bookshelves and there is another bookshelf built-in that I have no pictures of - and learn to style them. I am TERRIBLE at styling. Anyone else suffer in this area? Or are you pretty good at it? 

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