Monday, February 25, 2013

Organized Reader: Beautifully organized home office

Today's Organized Reader is going to show you her beautifully organized home office. Be still my soul - I LOVE an organized office

Laurel sent me pictures of her very organized office. Here is her little library of books.

She categorizes her books by subject, so she can find things based on category in case she needs to find a specific type of book.

She also uses a shoe pocket - which I LOVE - to organize her office supplies. I'm all for using the back of the door for organizing!

She also makes good use of space under the stairs! What a great idea to use it this way - sort of a printing center and filing area!

Last, I want to show you how she turned an old window into a dry erase board. So clever. Everything here is in it's place and  she has order for her things! Laurel is a busy wife and mom to 3. She and her husband are self employed for the last 15 years and she also homeschools her 9th and 4th graders, so keeping her office organized is definitely a "must" in her household!

What do you think? Didn't she do a great job? How about you, do you have a really organized space you'd like to share? You don't have to be a blogger. You can just send me your nice pictures and some information and you could be featured. Email me HERE if you have a space.  

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