Friday, February 22, 2013

My Family Room tweaks

Well, I'm at it again. I'm changing things. I'm not a huge "re-arranger", mostly because our furniture pretty much fits in the place I have and there aren't a lot of options, but I like to move stuff out and change things around a bit.

So, my family room is probably my favorite place in our house. I've noticed that my blogging takes place about 1/3 of the time in that nice spot on the chaise part of the couch. There is no where to put an end table for my snacks or drink, so I was on the look out for something. 

I found this gem at Pier One Imports! I never realized how something so small would be so helpful for me. 

I changed out two of our end tables - we had bought a couch "set" many year ago that included a couch, love seat, two end tables, and a coffee table. It was cheap and was nice for the time when we didn't have much money, but we've gotten rid of both couches and the coffee table and these end tables were next. You can see, above, that my taste in decor has changed {evolved} quite a bit - this picture is probably 13 years ago! 

I went with something practical for the end table next to my Hubby's chair. I picked this up from Home Goods and it has all kinds of places for him to store all his things - drawers for remotes and such. 

For the other end table I found this cute round table which fits nicely between Hubby's chair and the couch. I also got this one at Home Goods - undoubtedly they had a LOT of options to choose from!

The last little tweak in our family room was this large hanging lamp I put in the corner, by the craft cupboard

It looks so nice here and puts off great lighting. I purchased it at Ikea and it was a great purchase!  So, anyone else do some tweaking around your house lately?

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