Friday, March 25, 2011

I have seen the light!

If you have ever seen our family room now, 

you'd never know what it's beginnings were....

Yep, it's the same room...with a lot of paint!  Can you tell?  There is one thing I did in the corner.  See that light on the right?

 Well, hubby told me he didn't want to buy a new light over there.  But, it was SO ugly!  It was also just weird hanging all by itself.  So, I came up a with a plan.  I went on Ebay and found a capiz-shell wind chime.  I took the light down and pulled it apart and spray painted it white....and then when I put it back up, I slid the capiz-shell wind chime over it {so the conduit slid through the top}, and it looks like this:

And here is what it looks like lit up:

Then, I put a mirror on the wall to reflect the light when turned on.

Isn't that prettier?  Amazing how cheap a fix it was too!  Here is what it looks like from afar.

Totally love it!  My whole family room is sort of beachy feeling.  Have you seen it?  If not, go over and check it out.  Here's some other fun parts of that room.  I hope to show you, someday, how I've transformed the cupboards in there and organized those too!

My bowl full of shells

Old kitchen table I put for a game table in the corner

This is also the "waiting" room for my parents of piano students, as the music room is adjacent to it, and also right outside from our deck.  My {piano} parents LOVE to sit in this room and hang out while their children are in their piano lesson with me {one of them takes a nap each week}!  They tell me they feel so warm and cozy in there - exactly what I'd hoped for!

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Have a great way of organizing something?  Send me an email and I can feature you {your blog or pictures}!

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