Monday, March 28, 2011

Highlighting something personal

I love blogging!  It's something I am finding more enjoyable all the time.  One of the things I love most about it is discovering and making new friends!  Another is telling everyone about my new friends!  

Click HERE for this pillow form in her Etsy Shop

Well, today I want to introduce you to my friend, Lisa Pennington. Lisa has a wonderful, hysterically funny blog called "The Pennington Point" where she and her family write or showcase her decor. I have many cherished friends named "Lisa" and now she is another one I have come to cherish.  She is an amazing lady and I want to show you her really great Etsy shop and her talent of personalizing some beautiful things! And yes, you counted her NINE children below!  Here is what Lisa has to say:

Lisa & Hubby, James and their nine children
We started the shop because, as our girls started to get older, we wanted to find a way they could have businesses of their own that we could develop as a family and eventually, they could take with them when they leave (Although they promised when they were 3 that they would never leave and I may hold them to that promise).  
Scripture pillow on her own couch. SO pretty!
Each girl works with me in different sections of the shop, depending on their individual interest.  We are about to add cards that will highlight some of their photography. 
Family number {with names} pillow form, click HERE to see in her shop
 But it is definitely not the girls' business, it is mine for now.  I do most of the developing and they work along side me learning to create product, fill orders and work with customers.  I love working with my girls on the items we sell and spending that kind of time with them.  We specialize in monogramming, but we are branching out into other areas.  We all love accessorizing, be it our home or our clothing, so it is natural that we share our passion through our shop.
Some of my favorites from her Etsy shop, Shop 24
 Oh, wow!  Don't you love all her pretty things?  I do!  I'll tell you THIS is the picture that drew me to her blog:

Look at that piano!  And her sillhouettes!
I don't live in the country...I'm quite the city gal!  But, I just loved how relaxed and inviting her home looked and what great taste in decor she had!  Makes me almost want to move to the country - almost!  Go and visit her blog or her Etsy shop sometime.  Follow her blog and I guarantee you that you will be laughing nearly every time you read something she writes!  

My first purchase from Lisa's Etsy shop....Grammy LOVED it!
Have a great way of organizing something?  Send me an email and I can feature you {your blog or pictures}!

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