Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How YOU organize your meal planning

I received an email from Anna, from Ask Anna.  She did a post on organizing your meal planning, which I briefly did many moons ago....but, hers is much more detailed and a great help to all of you who just don't plan your meals. Here's what she said to me:

"I think that meal planning is hugely important to being an organized mom because at the end of the day everyone needs dinner and if you don't know what you have on hand it can be an extremely stressful and frustrating."

Go here now!

Now THIS is a clever idea!

She has a six step plan to help you better organize this area of your home.  It's fantastic.  You MUST go over and read all about this!  She even includes a FREE printable meal planning calendar and grocery list!  Super, really! 

She also has amazing ideas for cleaning your home like how to clean your dishwasher or cleaning your blinds.  She's also into organizing {which, of course, I love} and she has tackled toy organizing, her jewelry box, and much more. She's also got some great decorating ideas.  So, while you're over there checking out how to get your meal planning started, check out all her other stuff!

Thanks, Anna, for sharing your great meal planning! 

Have a great way of organizing something?  Send me an email and I can feature you {your blog or pictures}!

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