Friday, February 25, 2011

A trip of love...

We started a tradition about seven years ago of going to the snow every February.  Remember, we live in Los Angeles where we have no this is our opportunity to "live" in the snow for several days a year {without having to LIVE in the snow}. We are fortunate enough to live only a couple of hours from the snow....

Started in 2005 {skipped 2007 cause we just bought a house}

We stay in a cottage/house that we rent each year - yep it's the same one. If you'd like to see it, go here.  It's so homey and cozy!  We have two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and washer/dryer.  It's actually cheaper to rent this house than to stay in a hotel!  Yes, that's because we make all our meals - saving a ton of money. Imagine if we had to eat out three times a day staying in a hotel {and my son now eats like an adult}.

My kids and trees keep growing...

We save up {remember my organized finances?} and are able to pay for the whole trip in cash!  We even go skiing and send the kids to ski school while hubby and I have a date in the morning, skiing alone! 

Our snow time...skiing and inter-tubing!

We also have a fun day of shopping and the kids do some inter-tubing on another day! My hubby even bought me a beautiful cabinet for Valentine's Day...on super clearance!  I plan to put it in my living room!

Caramel apples, pretty things, and a curio cabinet  my hubby bought me for V. Day!
 We go for hikes and drive around Big Bear Lake and see all the beautiful sights!  

Next week, I'm going to tell you how I organize to pay for this annual trip...then I'll show you how to plan to go ON the trip!  Do you have anywhere special you go in the winter?

Linking to {see parties tab above for pictures}:

Have a great way of organizing something?  Send me an email and I can feature you {your blog or pictures}!

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