Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Schedule, schedule, routine, routine - how to have a {fake} immaculate house (part 9)

The very last day of our series "How to have a {fake} immaculate house" is here!  This is the very last way you can fake keeping your house tidy and clean!  How have you done so far?  Well, the very last way you can do this is another very important thing.  It's having a schedule and routine to your life!

Now, I realize that scheduling every minute of your life seems daunting and unrealistic.  I'm talking about having a schedule each day of what you plan to do.  Having a weekly routine of what you will do.  Let me show you what I have learned to do.  I have set up a weekly routine for myself.  

Here is what I do:
Mondays - Laundry/cleaning day
Tuesdays - Run errands, afterschool activities for A & R
Wednesdays - Bible Study AM, piano teaching PM
Thursdays - Piano Teaching AM & PM
Fridays - Project day (and maybe a load of laundry)
Weekends - whatever!

Yes, it's not a fancy routine, but it's routine.  I don't have to wonder "Hmmm, what should I do today?"  I already know that it's just the day to get stuff done.  Sometimes I move days around (except for days I teach piano lessons).  

Generally, I try to sit down each evening and sort of get a schedule of what my day will look like.  For instance, I use Cozi and I have automatically set up things like "school" and "Bible Study" times.  These are set times that I do each day.  But, I try to map out what exactly will get cleaned and how long I will attempt to clean (yes, I really DO hate cleaning).  

If I have a day of running errands, I try and figure out all the places I need to go and then map out my route - trying not to go back and forth across the city but hitting each one after the next in order of where they are located.  But, keeping in mind that grocery shopping has to be last or with a stop back at home to put away groceries.  

Here is a copy of my summer schedule/routine, since it all changes when I have kids at home with me and different activities.  It's not elaborate, just simple and concise.  There will be weeks when you just can't get everything accomplished that you'd like to - and that's OK.  Some weeks I just say "well, I won't be cleaning all the bathrooms today, just toilets!"  No one ever knows {well, NOW they do!}.  It's my secret and why make a big fuss over it!  I want to have a life that is flexible, too, so I can make lunch plans or help out at my kids' school or be available to do something else.  

If you homeschool {I don't, but admire you moms who do}, I imagine you MUST have a schedule or routine.  My mom was a school teacher for over 30 years and she had to do her lesson plan every week for her class.  It's important.  Kids thrive with routine.  I have a child who is autistic, and this was always a very important aspect {and still is} in their life.  But, ALL kids need it, too!  And, even as adults, we need it!

Schedule, schedule, routine, routine....I'm an avid believer in it!

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How to {fake} and immaculate house series:


  1. Great ideas and suggestions. I don't know what I would do without looking at my day planner at least 15 times a day. Thanks for linking to We're Organized Wednesday.

  2. Thankfully I finally found someone like you. I am 26 married and have two kids. Not very organized really have no routine. It sounds weird but it drives me crazy not being organized. Just have not found a way to get it done. This has helped me so much. Can't wait to get organized!!!! Thank you so much can't wait to read more.

  3. Michelle! I'm so excited - this is just what this blog is for! Please use it as a resource and guide for you and send me any questions you might have!

    Becky B.

  4. I've really enjoyed looking at your tips for organizing, you have lots to offer ;)! I find at most people think that schedules make them feel crowded but, actually they free you! I even like your blogging schedule! Thanks for linking these up, hope you can stop by DWYH every monday for the linky party!

  5. Yes, I just linked up last week! I'm so glad you have had fun poking around the blog! Please feel free to use it as a resource! You have a great blog, as well!

    Becky B.

  6. Becky , I am a new follower. Found your blog just at the right time. Look forward to stopping by often.

  7. Marla! That's wonderful...use anything you need here as a resource!

    Becky B.

  8. Wow! I just found this on pinterest! Thank you for sharing! You are awesome!!!

  9. I've really enjoyed reading your site. So many wonderful ideas. Thanks so much for sharing!

  10. I've really enjoyed reading your site. Such wonderful ideas. Thanks so much for sharing!

  11. I've really enjoyed reading your site. So many wonderful ideas. Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. I just came across your blog through Pinterest. I did something similar to this awhile back--set up a weekly schedule--but slacked off. This is a great encouragement for me. Thanks!

  13. I'm loving all these posts! I made a cleaning schedule to fit our familys needs and have been following it for about a month. The first couple weeks were the hardest, getting the house REALLY clean and de-cluttered...but now each week it's a breeze since I've been keeping up with a cleaning schedule :) Thanks for the inspiration!


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