Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Organizing your Linen Closet {part 4} - Making it pretty!

OK, so let's have a look at some really pretty linen closets for inspiration!

Notice how the towels are folded in thirds...

See how these towels are both folded and rolled to fit.  Plus, the extra pretty boxes, baskets, and pretty clear containers...

Nothing too fancy, but just neat and orderly...

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Again, folded and neat.  There are some hanging wire baskets along with the basket on the floor for extra stuff...

I love these classy!

More excellent idea!

For those who don't have an actual closet, here is one you can make.  I like the hook on the outside to hold wet towels!

Go back and take a look at how far we've come:

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  1. I have an open cabinet in my bathroom and am totally stumped how to organize it. I have a bunch of clear mason jars that I would love to use to store things (cotton balls, q-tips, bath salts, etc.), but they look kind of un-finished just sitting there. Maybe I can use something from the ideas above!

  2. Breanna - Feel free to send me a picture of it and maybe I can help you! I love to help out with that sort of stuff! Becky B.

  3. I am going to take you up on that! Give me a couple of days to take some pictures. I can't wait!!


Please give me your organized thoughts!