Friday, January 24, 2014

Garage Organization: Cupboards

Last week I showed you our cupboards that FINALLY got painted and how the garage has slowly been transformed into a recreation room! Well, today I wanted to show a garage organization tip that I use to KEEP the cupboards from getting a mess!

You see, these cupboards are so great, but finding stuff or putting stuff away in them can be a problem.

So, what did I do? Once everything was cleared out, donated or thrown out, then put back in and organized, I took a picture of each cupboard opened up with my phone.

I uploaded the photo to PicMonkey {a free online photo editor} as a collage {the ducks in a row option} and then picked my picture - I turned the collage sideways and pushed down the top one to this size. I did this for each one separately.

Then, I opened the editor and put text on the bottom of the collage and saved it as a picture {jpg file}. Next, I opened up Microsoft Word {which I use on my Mac for documents} and inserted the picture. I simply printed it up and then cut it out.

Last, I used clear packing tape to adhere them to the back of the doors for each cupboard. This way, anyone - and we have lots of visitors - who goes looking for where to put something has no problem finding where to get it and put it back!

I used this same trick in my family room cupboards. Have you ever tried this? What tips do you have for organizing cupboards in the garage?

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