Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My TEN Favorite Organizing Boards on Pinterest - from an Organizing Blogger

Pinterest, Pinterest, Pinterest! Yes, it's my favorite place to be! I definitely USE Pinterest almost every day to help me with making dinner, finding what outfit to wear, organizing inspiration, DIY help, decorating ideas, craft ideas, and much more! Since I am on there so much, I thought I'd give you my TEN favorite organizing boards on Pinterest {from an Organizing Blogger's perspective, no less} so you can receive even MORE inspiration!

So, here goes {These are in no particular order}:

  • Stephanie, from Modern Parents, Messy Kids has a great Pinterest board called Finally Getting Organized that has great ideas!
  • If you want the top organizing advice from Top Organizing Bloggers, THIS board is for you! It's full of posts that some of the top organizers post from their blog. Go HERE to follow this board. 
  • Crystal, from Money Saving Mom, always has great organizing posts on her Getting Your Home and Life Organized Pinterest Board. She includes some of her own posts plus many money saving, organizing ideas on there, as well as home management help, too! Good stuff!
  • I love the website Hometalk for social interaction with home enthusiasts, but they also have a Hometalk Organizing board filled with lots of the great ideas you'll also find on Hometalk members pinned there!
  • One of my favorite magazine for simple, clutter free living is Real Simple and they have a wonderful pinboard called Organizing Inspiration filled with articles from their magazine and other videos and more! Great inspiration!
  • Hi, Sugar Plum's board Organize It! has lots of organizing inspiration for me and beautiful pictures! 
  • Talk about variety! Better Homes and Gardens has one of the best organizing boards on Pinterest, called Organizing Pinning Party. I realize that the "party" part is over, but the board is full of great stuff. 
  • My friend Chelsea of Two Twenty One blog put together a great board called Home Organization that has almost 30 bloggers and their great organizing work! 
  • My hubby and I are big fans of the DIY Network, but did you know they have an organizing pinboard? Yes, it's called Organization and it's got lots of great new ideas!
  • And last, one of my newest favorites is a collection of organizing bloggers, some you may not have heard about, that put together all their great posts full of amazing organization. Seriously, there is a LOT of great ideas on there. It's called Everything Organized and you don't want to miss these ideas!
So, if you're on Pinterest, be sure to follow me and these other great boards to get more inspiration. Oh, here are a few more pinners that I love on Pinterest that have great organizing ideas:

Who is your favorite pinner on Pinterest for organizing?

Pin It

 **I have a few affiliate links in this post - this does not mean you pay a dime more for the product when you purchase through my link. It just means I made it easier for you to find what you might like, so I make a few cents if you purchase. I SO SO SO appreciate when you support Organizing Made Fun. Thank you!!**  

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