Wednesday, December 4, 2013

11 Ways to Get Organized for Christmas

The Christmas Season is in FULL swing! So, I'm sharing my own ideas and a few others, to get organized for Christmas!

So, I've brought you 11 ways to organize and hope it helps you through the busy holiday!

Organizing Made Fun

First, when you go to put your ornaments up, take a picture of the box before unpacking it so you know how to put everything away AND so you know what's inside.

Click on picture for printable

When getting ready to shop and needing to know who to shop for, print up this FREE list to get organized for your gift giving.

Organizing Made Fun

If you aren't sure what to get your loved one - or what YOU can ask for - I have 25+ Organized Christmas Gift Ideas. Go HERE to see those.

Organizing Made Fun

You'll probably be getting ready to mail out and receive a lot of Christmas cards and photos, right? Go HERE and see 12 ways you can display those cards.

Ask Anna

Once you get all your cards, you can figure out how to organize them after Christmas. Go HERE for more ideas from Ask Anna!

Organizing Junkie

You'll come home from shopping and need to make sure your gift wrap is organized! Laura from Organizing Junkie gives lots of great ideas HERE on how to do that. 

Organizing Homelife

Still need ideas to organize all your stocking stuffers? Ginny from Organizing Homelife has you covered! Go HERE for your FREE printable of stocking stuffers. 

Clean Mama

If you're planning any kind of Christmas dinner or party, use Clean Mama's Holiday Menu Planner that will help you get everything organized. Go HERE to get your free printable. 

Organizing Made Fun

Get your home ready for guests to stay! I've got 10 ways to get organized BEFORE your guests arrive! Go HERE to see that.

Goodbye House, Hello Home

My lovely friend, Leslie of Goodbye House, Hello Home shows us how to get seasonal decor organized. Go HERE and see how she manages it!

I'm an Organizing Junkie

Once you finish up Christmas, you can put it all away. BUT, Laura of I'm an Organizing Junkie, tells us what is really important when putting things away after Christmas. Go HERE to read more.

Have a very organized Christmas. And, for more great ideas, try these too:

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 **I have a few affiliate links in this post - this does not mean you pay a dime more for the product when you purchase through my link. It just means I made it easier for you to find what you might like, so I make a few cents if you purchase. I SO SO SO appreciate when you support Organizing Made Fun. Thank you!!**  

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