Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Labeling 101 - what's the big deal?

Today I'm talking labels! Why? Cause labeling is a great way to get organized. I know some of you think it's just not that big of a deal to have labels and others of you are obsessed! So, I'm going to give you some ideas of what kind of labels you can use where and with what kind of label maker! {p.s. I'll have a few affiliate links throughout this, but it will be easier for you to find what I'm talking about}.

Labeling things is easy, but some of us enjoy it looking fancy and pretty! The basic importance of having a label is simply to know what goes where. Here are some fun and fancy ways to make labels pretty and keep thing organized:

1. Basic Labels

I have mentioned that having a label maker is one of my top FIVE important tools for getting organized! 

Having a basic label maker will help you to label small things around your house - to keep everyone "in the know" on what goes where. Above, I have two labels makers - I got the one on the right at an Estate sale and the one on the left at Target. Here and Here are similar ones to these above - and inexpensive! Recently, I gave one of these away to some friends and got a new one from Office Depot that's a little fancier - this one

2. Labeling things using stickers


Stickers are easy, you can run them through the printer or write on them yourself. A good resource is my sponsor, where you can get blank stickers in all kinds of shapes and sizes to do just that!

3. Printable labels


These are labels that are already "labeled" with what's inside your container. Often you find these on Pinterest or from bloggers who give you cute ones that are fairly generic. You can cut them out and use them wherever they are appropriate!

4. Die-cut labels

These are fun! Well, for me it is! I have a Cricut machine {some others may use a Silhouette}, but I can cut out fabulous labels with vinyl and stick them wherever I want. An organizer's dream, honestly!

5. Chalkboard labels


I think these are the latest big thing - you can get chalkboard paint and paint on just about anything and label with a piece of chalk, or better yet, with chalk ink so it lasts!

6. Creative labeling


This is the "everything else" category. All kinds of fun ways to create a label using just about anything your imagination can come up with! So, as you can see, labeling is fun, creative, and pretty important to make sure you keep things straight! So, what is your most effective way to label around your house?

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