Saturday, May 26, 2012

Blogversary Week: LAST giveaway - Creative Memories

The very last giveaway for this week-long celebration is here! It is from Creative Memories!

Laura, from Creative Memories, is offering you TWO giveaways! The first one is the fantastic "Reflections" Power Sort Box. This is an amazing box to help you organize your photos.

I was nearly giddy when I saw the neat way you can organize your photos with this! It's totally different than your average photo box. It's got these neat dividers inside, within the box, that you can "power sort" and pull out a big section at one time.

You could even use this for sorting greeting cards, too! I thought it was just a neat product! It has a sturdy button closer on each side of the box so that if you bump it and it turns over it won't open up.  

She's also going to give away a Daisy File Mate. It's this really neat penda flex file {that's pretty too} for 12x12 sizes. It's ideal for scrapbookers, BUT I used it for my vinyl pieces that I use in my new Cricut machine. 

Laura's Creative Memories website

As you can see, these are two awesome organizing products! But, you'd better hurry because the ALL the giveaways end tonight at midnight {EST} and you don't want to miss out on a chance at winning any of them:

Crumbs Away Utensil Tray
31 All in One Organizer
Willow House Carousel organizer
31 Mini-Organizer
Clever Container $50 Gift Card

I will announce ALL the winner of every giveaway TOMORROW!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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