Friday, July 1, 2011

Summers where the kids cook

Imagine a day {well, an evening} where you don't have to cook and you sit down to dinner and eat.  Then, you get up and don't have to do dishes!  It's possible...with a little help!


Every summer we start up Kids' Cook Night in our household.  The kids LOVE to help cook, so it's only fitting to let them make everything for dinner.  We have a few kids' cookbooks and the kids will choose dinner {with a little help from Mom} and side dishes they wish to make on that day of the week.  {Below are two cookbooks we use and you can buy online or borrow from the library}.


I supervise, but try not to touch or do anything, if possible.  This is our third summer doing it.  They know how to cut up fruit and cook ground meat.  Adam is old enough now to put food in and out of the oven, too.  THAT is a huge accomplishment - he's TERRIFIED of fire or anything hot!

Adam putting the pizza in the oven

I found THIS cute printable of place settings and Rachel set a beautiful table. She loved having it as a reference.  I have told her many times - fork on the left, knife and spoon on the right.  She just got frustrated and never did it right.  But, with the placement printable she LOVED doing it and did it right!!  


Part of making the dinner was for them to clean it up!  Again, I supervise, just making sure they see things that are out or need to be wiped.  


If you do something like this, don't expect perfection.  Don't make them frustrated.  Encourage the kids.  Have one kid do one part, the other kid do another.  If you have several kids, have each one do a certain part of the meal - main dish, side dishes, or dessert.  I'm going to be honest - it's hard to supervise as they are asking for my attention for many questions they have...but as with many things, I have to be patient and know that this will one day pay off!


My friend has done this with all her kids {2 grown, 1 now senior in high school}.  Each kid would do a night by themself - planning and everything! What a joy to have children who can cook for themselves and know their way around a kitchen - even if it's pizza or hot dogs!  


I cannot say this enough, TEACH your kids to be independent.  Don't let them need you for everything.  I constantly get complimented on our son, Adam, from therapists for how independent he is.  


I really don't think I'm doing anything special - just not hanging on so tight that he can't do anything.  I make him do stuff - ask the store clerk for help, the librarian for a book, riding his bike places, lots of chores, etc.  He is very independent and is not afraid to try anything!


What kinds of special or fun things do you do in the summer?
