Monday, July 4, 2011

Children are a blessing

I was very sick a few weeks back. My kids were out for summer. We needed food and I had to go to Costco but really wasn't quite back to health yet. My son took the cart and my daughter my list, while I walked behind.  He loaded and unloaded - cheerfully.  Then, again when we got home.


My daughter picked up the mop and mopped everything she could in the house - cheerfully and with a happy heart.  She realized that not only was it fun to mop, but it helped mom out tremendously.

I took this picture while sick on the couch from my laptop.

Here's my Monday "tip", don't be lazy in teaching them to be independent.  Don't do everything for them.  Teach them, patiently, to take care of themselves. There will come a day, like I had recently where I was sick on the couch and could hardly do much at all.  

At the recycle center...I sit in the car while they do the work!

When you teach them to do things for themselves, they turn right around and bless you abundantly.  My kids truly were a blessing while I was sick.I rarely get sick. But, this time I was sick and just weak.  


Trust me when I say they can be blessings.  I know that even little ones say the sweetest and cutest things, too.  That's such a blessing - my daughter would, and still does, say the sweetest things to me.


I want to encourage many of you younger moms, especially {not that I'm all that old!}.  Your children can be blessings...really great blessings! When they are little and require so much work and effort, trust me when I say that you need to be patient and keep after them. Mine are growing up too fast!

Women Living Well - Media Monday 
A Wise Woman Builds Her home 
Stuff and Nonsense 
Biblical Womanhood 
Don't Waste Your Homemaking\
Heavenly Homemakers
