Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How I organize: My overflow pantry

Down in my basement, I have an overflow pantry.  This one is different from my regular pantry in the kitchen


I am not into Extreme Couponing or anything to necessitate an entire wing of my home for extra items. My hubby just likes me to have stuff "at the ready" anytime so we can have company over anytime! My kitchen pantry can't hold everything so between this and my basement freezer, we can have extra stuff here to feed anyone at any time!

 I keep lots and lots of drinks stocked for both my kids' lunches, afternoon snacks - we often travel to therapists offices right after school or to have packed up for them to drink while I'm teaching piano lessons after school.  These coffee cups {got them at Costco} with lids are especially nice to have when we have a smaller group of friends over so the adults can take their coffee to go or inside for our Bible Study time.  I also keep my roasting pan in there - since I pull it out only a few times a year - along with some soft-sided coolers for picnics or taking along lunch/dinner/snacks when we watch a baseball game or other sport.

I have lots of table cloths that I bought pretty cheap - both cloth and vinyl - to use for throwing a quick tablescape and if they get dirty I'm okay with it! They are long and rectangular so I can make them fit just about any table size.

I keep the regular overstock of foods and cleaners and paper goods down there, too.  One thing that I keep is lots and lots of extra "disposable" containers.  We have many needs in our church body for meals.  So, I bring a meal to one family a month {this is my limit, but I love to do it}.  So, I always bring the meal in disposable containers - butter tubs, restaurant take-out containers, jars - so that they don't have to wash OR return any dishes to me! I wash and stack them down here to use. How do you store overflow stuff?  
