Friday, July 15, 2011

Projects? What projects?

This has been, by far, the busiest summer I can remember! I can hardly believe the kids go back to school in just ONE month {August 15th}!!  What? So, my projects haven't gotten done as quickly or as well as I had hoped!

The kids now get out for summer break before Memorial Day! My son had his 12th birthday in the beginning of June - with a trip to laser tag with 15 friends {thanks to his Dad winning this at a fundraiser last year}.

Adam's golf cake; Adam's new golf clubs from Grampy; Laser Tag and friends!

I have's never ending! I just don't have projects DONE! So, I'm going to show you what I have done! It's just vacationing stuff and fun stuff!!

Us in front of our cottage rental; Rachel on the playground; Big Bear Lake

We spent a whole week in our favorite vacation spot, Big Bear Lake.  We were able to really relax - haven't seen my husband that relaxed in a very long time!  

Kids taking turns driving the boat; Hubby relaxing on the boat!

Me and the kids hiking in the San Bernardino Mtns.; Catching up on my blog reading

We hiked, played golf, visited the camp where our son will be going to summer camp later this summer, boated, ate lots of s'mores, scootered, and explored.

S'mores; Bowling; Golfing
Bocce ball; field at the camp; sign at the camp; dining hall

Hubby and I went away for another week to beautiful Oregon.  It's an annual business trip to him, but we went early to celebrate our 17th anniversary. We sent the kids off to my parents' house for four days and another two days with my hubby's parents!  They had a fun-filled six days of spoiling while we spent some much-needed time alone in a very beautiful place!

{Clockwise from top left} Sahalie Falls, Oregon; Sisters, Oregon; me riding a Vespa; and John golfing.
{Clockwise from top left} John and I at another falls; flowers in Oregon; the boys hiking behind us girls; Lincoln City, Oregon sunset

Oh, and the ER! We had two trips there, too {in one day}! Apparently, when you step in front of your brother practicing his golf swing, you get a big smack on the head!!  Yes, a concussion, but it healed quickly and all is forgiven {we sort of think sister was probably 75% at fault, but have no real proof since I just stepped into the house when I heard the blood-curdling scream}!

Rachel's progression of her concussion...and today she's fine!
Swim lessons and golf lessons and lazy summer days...but it's not been so busy in the down times that we haven't been able to keep up with our summer cleaning schedule! In fact, it's been really perfect for our steady stream of vacations and fun stuff! What have you been doing this summer?

Ask Anna
