Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How I organize: Email!

You remember, as a kid, how much fun it was to get something in the mail?  I was so exciting.

Now, with email, it's exciting when you get some email from someone you are happy to hear from. It is...but, if you are like me, my email "inbox" has SO much junk mail that has just piled and piled up!  I came home from vacation with 396 emails in my inbox!  This was from my personal email account, not including my blog email account! 

I have my cell phone set up to get every email, too, so I'd already seen all of them.  I just hadn't realized that it was that many until I got home and had to go through it again! 

So, here's a few tips to help you rid your email inbox from all that junk and get it organized!

  • Sign up for as little email as you CAN, possibly. 
  • Go through your email and a TINY little place at the bottom of your junk email says "unsubscribe" and click on that. {It's tiny, see above, so it may take time to find it}.
  • Some websites you DO want a coupon mailing or notice if there is a sale, so if there are options as to how often you want that email, be sure to use those options

  • If a sales clerk asks for your email address, ask her if that means you will be getting more email from them. You decide if you want more or not. Chances are, you will.  But, if you can't say "no" just go to the "unsubscribe" button when it comes and opt out!

    • Take the time, whenever you get an email to "unsubscribe" right away. Don't wait until you get 396 emails to do it - cause it took me a couple of hours!
    •  Even unsubscribe to blogs you just don't have time to read...I'm not hurt if you do! I don't want people to follow me and never read what I write! 

    I don't think I really need to give you step by step instructions.  The point is really that this small "delete" task each day can go away and save you small bits of time in the long run!

    Most of the websites I unsubscribed to asked if I was getting too many emails - so apparently they understand that it's a problem, too! Ann Taylor Loft is my FAVORITE store ever but I was getting DAILY emails and it was way too much! So, I cut it down to about once a week!

    Some were really confusing. I was unsure if I subscribed again or unsubscribed.  But, a week later and I can already see a big difference in my inbox! Then there is the matter of the real SPAM from crazy people. Mostly I just "block" them or put in my "junk" file.  Sometimes I type "STOP"....well, you get it.  Now I'm starting to get junk text messages!  I suppose it will never end, right?

    The last way I organize my email is pretty simple. I have made lots of folders to keep important emails when they come in. Most everything gets deleted, but the important stuff gets "filed" in these. You can see my "junk email" file is huge {needs to be emptied}! Things are getting better and more organized in the email department! Are you sick of junk email? What are you doing?


      Delightful Order 
      Organize and Decorate Everything 
      Stuff and Nonsense 
      Organizing Junkie 
      Organize with Sandy