Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How I organize: Wrapping paper

I would love to have this wrapping's lovely, isn't it?


But, I don't. I used to have it in a coat closet at our old house - in a rolling bin.  But, this house has no coat closet. For awhile I kept it under my folding table in the the basement laundry room.  My sweet hubby decided to give me a cupboard in his workshop, near the laundry area, for my wrapping station! It looks like this:


Don't be jealous! I know it's prime location right above the clothes' dryer is to die for!  Ha, ha...hey, it's what I have to work with so it's what I use!  Here is where I keep all my wrapping paper:


Why, yes it IS wedged between the clothes' dryer and the work bench!  Again, I worked with what I had.  What IS great is just keeping things organized and labeled.  My daughter LOVES to wrap so she knows how to put everything back - pretty much without making a mess. 


Avoiding any massive difficulties:


Figuring out what goes where:


Or what goes there:


But, if you want fancy, here are some more great inspirations I have found with beautiful wrapping stations!
